Kerry on Tir na Saor Radio Ireland – Link
I was the guest on Antonia Leslie’s radio show on Tir na Saor Radio broadcasting from Ireland Thursday at 1pm PT and 9pm Irish time.
I was the guest on Antonia Leslie’s radio show on Tir na Saor Radio broadcasting from Ireland Thursday at 1pm PT and 9pm Irish time.
This is an audio interview with Kerry, conducted by Russell Scott back in 2012: http://www.westcoasttruth.com/who-the-heck-is-this-russell-scott-anyway.htmlhttp://www.westcoasttruth.com
This is a very important interview involving the healing properties of a special kind of water created by a black project scientist who was working
01/02/2013 – Neil Freer 01/04/2013 – Steven D. Kelley 01/09/2013 – Mike Harris 01/11/2013 – Rebecca Jernigan 01/18/2013 – Dr. John Waterman – Patriot movement
last updated: 2010 Conferences Barcelona Exopolitics Conference | July 2009Brussels ConferenceCamelot Conference in LA: Awake and Aware | Sept 09Zurich Conference | 10-12 July 09Aaron
Today at 12 noon (time has been changed by Blogtalk several times which is already frakking weird!) I will be Guest Host on the Paul
FORMER NYPD DETECTIVE, JAMES ROTHSTEIN… on Revolution Radio tonight 7pm PT to 9pm He has been involved in investigating human trafficking, satanism, pedophilia, The Octopus/Michael
https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Revolution%20Radio/WHistle_Blower_Radio_With-Kerry_Cassidy-2013-08-02.mp3 PETER EYRE YOU TUBE OF SHOW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neZxg4PG-Cs MP3: CLICK HERE: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx0t2IMaJqt3OHRZVlI2VXlFaGM/edit?pli=1 Guest bio: PETER EYRE Peter Eyre: Joined the military at the tender age
Walter Bosley https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/WHistle_Blower_Radio_With-Kerry_Cassidy-2013-07-26.mp3 http://lostcontinentlibrary.blogspot.com/ Bio: Walter Bosley is a world traveling author and explorer of extraordinary phenomena. He served as a counterintelligence specialist during the
Guest: Baron von Ricardo Baretzky Summary: Kerry interviews ECIPS President, and Global Security Analyst Baron von Ricardo Baretzky https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Sceptre%20Radio%20Network/WR-Septre-Baron-Von-Ricardo-Baretzky-04-25-13.mp3 Website: www.baretzky.com/baretzky_002.htm BIO: Ricardo “Baron”
SPECIAL GUEST 5PM PT ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24TH: STEVEN BASSETT https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Sceptre%20Radio%20Network/WR-Septre-Steven-Bassett-04-24-13.mp3 Timely Link: www.citizenshearing.org Bio Stephen Bassett is an exopolitical activist and a leading advocate
SERENA WRIGHT TAYLOR https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Sceptre%20Radio%20Network/WR-Septre-Serena-Taylor-04-20-13.mp3 BIO UFO Researcher, Intuitive Vedic Astrologer, Associate Producer Conscious Life Expo Serena has been interested in UFOs and Extra-Terrestrials since
BeanoBlack BeanoBlack 04-12-13 Part 1 https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Sceptre%20Radio%20Network/whistleblower_radio_beanoblack_1-04-12-13.mp3 BeanoBlack 04-12-13 Part 2 https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Sceptre%20Radio%20Network/whistleblower_radio_beanoblack_2-04-12-13.mp3 Here is the mp3 for my radio show with BEANOBLACK Introduction: BeanoBlack is a
John Carten https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Sceptre%20Radio%20Network/whistleblower_radio_john-carten-04-12-13.mp3 Bio taken from http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/john-carten/58/a63/a14 John Carten, Canada’s most feared forensic lawyer specializes in lawyer and judicial murder cases, exposing legal, judicial and government
Winston Shrout https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Sceptre%20Radio%20Network/Septre-Radio-WR-Winston_Shrout-03-29-13.mp3 Septre Radio Network In Brief – taken from http://www.wssic.com/about.html After graduating from college with a degree in psychology – with little hope of
Thomas Fusco https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Sceptre%20Radio%20Network/Sceptre-Radio-01-Whistleblower_Radio_03_22_13.mp3 Sceptre Radio Network BIO: Thomas P. Fusco is an independent researcher who has devoted nearly three decades investigating the relationship between mind,
Maxine Taylor https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Revolution%20Radio/Rev-Rad-Maxine-Taylor-03-15-13.mp3 Click here for the Youtube link Bio extract taken from http://maxinetaylor.com/#/about/maxine Based in Atlanta, Maxine Taylor is a true visionary with over
Bernie Mendez https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Revolution%20Radio/Rev-Rad-Bernie-Mendez-03_08_13.mp3 Revolution Radio link Bio source – bernardmendez.com/Bernard_Mendez/Home.html Bernard “Bernie” Mendez is a whistleblower who has stepped out of the shadows to reveal
Clark McClelland https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Revolution%20Radio/Whistle_Blower_Radio_Kerry_Cassidy_2013_03_01.mp3 Click here for the Youtube link to the show. Guest Bio: Taken from http://www.stargate-chronicles.com/site/about-clark-mcclelland/ Clark McClelland is a bona-fide expert in the field
Michael Schratt https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/Revolution%20Radio/Whistle_Blower_Radio_Kerry_Cassidy_2013_02_22.mp3 Click here to listen/download the mp3 Click here for YouTube link Portions of this show were also recorded on LIVESTREAM HERE: Watch
Since its inception, Project Camelot has become a leader in the area of whistleblower testimony by providing filmed interviews, shot guerrilla style, on location, with key witnesses and researchers from all around the world. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments. Project Camelot has now been operating for over 17 years.
To reach Kerry Cassidy email: kerry@projectcamelot.tv
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