01/28/2011 – The Aryan Philosophy Under the Charles Material
January 28, 2011 The Aryan Philosophy Under the Charles Material Within the constant references to Charles' friend or "master" as he calls him… is the
January 28, 2011 The Aryan Philosophy Under the Charles Material Within the constant references to Charles' friend or "master" as he calls him… is the
January 28, 2011 Viva La Revolution! Click here for coverage from Al Jazeera on the situation in Egypt. People have been hitting the streets demanding an
January 26, 2011 Jesse Ventura sues TSA Click here for the news story Go Jesse!
January 25, 2011 SPECIAL LIVESTEAM TONIGHT 1-25-11 7PM PST Live discussion with Miriam Delicado – Free Event online Miriam Delicado has been living on the
January 23, 2011 Conspiracy Behind the Death of Martin Luther King, Jr. Click here for this important video overview “In 1999, through the tireless efforts
January 19, 2011 Tonight’s radio show at 7pm PST My guest is Marcia Schafer executive consultant, ET experiencer and intuitive Listen Live Lucas on 2012?
January 18, 2011 Vatican Approves GMO Crops… Wikileaks Reveals The roll-out moving forward. The Vatican is so wrapped up in the oppression of the human
January 16, 2011 Suggested Reading Defending Sacred Ground – Alex Collier (pdf file) For those who aren’t familiar with this work I highly recommend it. It
January 15, 2011 Project Blue Beam – False Flag Alien Invasion Scenario From Project Avalon QUOTE: Re: Charles’ comments about a False Flag ET threat
January 14, 2011 Update Remember your mission: Kirk Nugent – Brilliant message in art Regarding the Commentary from Bill on his recent video… Rather
January 13, 2011 Who is Loughner? The following video was given to me by an unknown source. I can neither affirm or deny the contents
January 12, 2011 Mexican Drug Cartel / Federal Gov linked to Loughner Click Here for More evidence emerging of mind control and links to Mexican Cartel.
January 11, 2011 I will be interviewed today by Jerry Avalos and Ben Murphy on his blogtalk radio show Universal Truth Evolution: click here to listen
January 9, 2011 Duncan O’Finioan Weighs in on the Gabrielle Gifford Shooting Click here for Duncan’s excellent article reviewing the evidence of what appears to be
January 7, 2011 Cyber War – Dead Birds and Wheeler’s Death Whereas I applaud the research into Phospene and the underground volcanism theory, the trouble
January 6, 2011 DARK LORDS Given that this interview was a sort of man in the street conversation that does not address some of the
January 6, 2011 As Consciousness Increases… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpVeqH74gn8 Shift of Magnetic North Pole affects Florida Airport Click here for the story DARK LORDS Given that this
January 5, 2011 Latest White Hat Report Click here Dead birds falling from the sky — Flash-forward anyone? Some of you may remember the recently
January 4, 2011 Update on The Rulers of the World : their response to my response Although I have very little information to go on,
January 2, 2011 FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT a review by Kerry Lynn Cassidy from Project Camelot of The Rulers of the World interview by Bill
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To reach Kerry Cassidy email: kerry@projectcamelot.tv
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