Regarding Egypt
October 4, 2010 Regarding Egypt We are rescheduling our Egypt Trip to the Spring due to the slow response. Meanwhile, I am going to be
October 4, 2010 Regarding Egypt We are rescheduling our Egypt Trip to the Spring due to the slow response. Meanwhile, I am going to be
October 2, 2010 Misc. Items… Don’t miss my interview with Air Force Captain Robert Salas… for more detail and a closer look at the man behind
I interviewed former Air Force Captain Robert Salas back in 2005 before we created Project Camelot. Back then, I was just starting out conducting interviews
September 29, 2010 Salas and Hastings National Press Club Disclosure Event – Full Video Thanks to a Camelot supporter here is the link to the entire Disclosure
September 28, 2010 There do seem to be a lot of ‘disclosure type’ events going on right now… This article seems to be more data along the
September 27,2010 Disclosure Event Press Conference on CNN : There was brief report from U.S. military witnesses on CNN today…Click Here to watch! This report was part
September 26, 2010 Los Angeles Event : Michael Tellinger & Kerry Cassidy at The Granada Forum I am now back in LA from Sedona. We
September 19, 2010 Recent Article by Tim Rifat on British Haarp in Cyprus The following was sent to me by a longtime Camelot supporter. This
September 18, 2010 I will be traveling to Sedona next week and speaking along with Michael Tellinger at the Sedona Creative Life Center… Click here to
September 8, 2010 BP Oil Spill and the Triple Threat This video is excellent information regarding the real purpose behind the BP Oil spill
September 7, 2010 Solar Roadways A great idea… at least until we have flying cars. ***Solar Roadways is currently a top contender for the
September 5, 2010 Several people wrote that the link on my August 27th blog item was not working regarding the recent Chinese ufo info… so
September 3, 2010 Wilma Subra – Environmental Crusader Investigates Effects of the BP Oil Spill This video is an excellent report on Wilma Subra and her investigation
September 2, 2010 Plane Forced to Land Carrying Nuclear Weapons I heard from a well placed Source today that a plane was forced to land
Kerry Cassidy : Live in Sedona – On the trail of the Anunnaki| MP3 | MP4 Back in September 2010 I spoke in Sedona, Arizona
Kerry Cassidy : Live in Sedona – On the trail of the Anunnaki| MP3 | MP4 Back in September 2010 I spoke in Sedona, Arizona
August 27, 2010 This article on the coming Solar storms is worth reading. On my radio show today I talked to Clay Douglas, who calls himself a Freeman… As it
August 23, 2010 According to a well placed source Matt Simmons was telling the truth in regard to his statements about the second leak and
August 22, 2010 : Update Boeing Whistleblower Much of this info confirms the early info we received from several sources. On Whistleblowers threatening Lawsuits
August 20, 2010 Today Dr. Hubert Zeitlmair was my guest on Whistleblower Radio. Audio to be available soon. His premise is that Atlantis was centered in the area
Since its inception, Project Camelot has become a leader in the area of whistleblower testimony by providing filmed interviews, shot guerrilla style, on location, with key witnesses and researchers from all around the world. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments. Project Camelot has now been operating for over 17 years.
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