Russia calls for Halt in Bombing of Libya
March 21, 2011 Russia calls for Halt in Bombing of Libya click here for story Note: last night I heard the following words “world war”
March 21, 2011 Russia calls for Halt in Bombing of Libya click here for story Note: last night I heard the following words “world war”
March 20, 2011 Wikileaks: Japan was warned about Fukushima Note: although this is no doubt true, I’m quite sure there’s not a nuclear power plant
March 19, 2011 Your Light Body Bottom line: Develop and enhance your light body through meditation… nothing is stronger than this in protecting you from
Niara Isley : MILAB Abductee Phoenix, AZ | .mp3 | .mov Niara approached me during the UFO Congress in Phoenix and reminded me that we
Niara Isley : MILAB Abductee Phoenix, AZ | .mp3 | .mov Niara approached me during the UFO Congress in Phoenix and reminded me that we
March 18, 2011 US Military Partial Block on (it’s own network) to certain websites… click here for article This has got to be nonsense. As
Niara Isley : MILAB Abductee Phoenix, AZ | .mp3 | .mov Niara approached me during the UFO Congress in Phoenix and reminded me that we
Niara Isley : MILAB Abductee Phoenix, AZ | .mp3 | .mov Niara approached me during the UFO Congress in Phoenix and reminded me that we
March 17, 2011 Herald Sun Article: Bungling, cover-ups define Japanese nuclear quake click here for the article Hackers Go After Fed Reserve From a Camelot
March 16, 2011 Tonight on Project Camelot Whistleblower Radio my guest is Dr. John Waterman & Benjamin Fulford re situation in Japan – Updated 3-18-11
March 15, 2011 Breaking News! Hopi Call For Prayer to Re-establish Balance of Mother Earth click here From Benjamin Fulford re links to PTB stimulating
March 14, 2011 North Korea nears completion of Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb click here for article The situation in North Korea is highly unstable. In light
March 13, 2011 South Africa – Group Photo with Megalithomania Speakers Above: Klaus Dona, Hugh Newman, Kerry Cassidy, Andrew Collins, Graham Hancock, Antoine Gigal click
March 12, 2011 LIVE STREAMING MEGALITHOMANIA ALL DAY Saturday & Sunday… Go here to stream the conference live! Please support these fabulous speakers! Live stream
ANDREW COLLINS : UFO ABDUCTIONS & DIMENSIONAL REALITIES Back in March I attended Megalithomania in South Africa and interviewed several speakers. My interview with
ANDREW COLLINS : UFO ABDUCTIONS & DIMENSIONAL REALITIES Back in March I attended Megalithomania in South Africa and interviewed several speakers. My interview with Andrew
Unplugging the Patriarchy – a new interview with Lucia Rene Hi, All: ——- This new video, with author, teacher, mystic, and woman's activist Lucia René,
Hugh Newman | Megaliths and the Worldwide Energy Grid mp3 In March 2011 I attended Megalithomania in South Africa and was fortunate to have the
Hugh Newman | Megaliths and the Worldwide Energy Grid mp3 In March 2011 I attended Megalithomania in South Africa and was fortunate to have the
March 9, 2011 Adams Calendar, South Africa Arrived in South Africa after flying for nearly two days via Dubai… 8 hour layover in the Dubai
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