Category: Camelot ALL

Art Bell Lawsuit

Here is an excerpt from the Lawsuit made against David John Oates and Robert A. M. Stephens by radio show host Art Bell filed in

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My Travel Update

Update from my travels: My speaking event at TruthJuice went well… I will make it available for free on the Camelot Youtube channel in the

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Mid-Atlantic Ridge Iron Cloud Plume


The oceanic iron cloud spreads for more than 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) across the Atlantic from west of Angola, Africa, to northeast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The iron-rich waters flow 1,500 to 3,500 meters (4,921 – 11,482 feet) beneath the surface of the ocean. The complete extent and shape of the iron plume remains to be discovered. “We had never seen anything like it,” said Mak Saito, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute scientist and lead author of the study, in a press release. “

According to Paul (the Unwanted Publicity Guy) there is a link between Snowden going to Russia and what is going on undersea in the Atlantic Ridge:

He writes:

The arena of intense C.I.A. activity, for several years now, which Snowden was pointed in the direction-of surrounds this specific region of shipping lane traffic requiring ever-fluctuating special navigation coordonation network support, and I suspect it has something to do with the Earth’s inner magnetic pole shift that began mimmicking our Sun’s – once every 24-year pole flip cycle – but there is more to this than meets the public eye that neither the U.S., Russia, Germany or Vatican governments are saying anything about.


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Reptilian Overlords – Vatican Game over?  Not really.  This information is commonly known among those of us who bothered to investigate.  Also thanks to Jordan Maxwell. Definition of APOSTOLATE

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Snowden Reporter’s Partner Detained at Heathrow

The detention and search of David Miranda, Glenn Greenwald’s partner is of course an outrage: British intelligence and the Americans work together to harass

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PROJECT CAMELOT needs donations to continue our work. Recently, our webmaster Tommy Hansen’s computer stopped working and must be replaced.  He also needs a plane

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In this recent article ARMAGEDDON WATCH OVER SYRIA, Gordon Duff is outing that there have been not 2 nuclear attacks by Israel on Syria but

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