I just heard that John Draper, also known as Captain Crunch from the early days of the internet was just in the hospital and needs your help. Go here to help him stay alive:
Go here to listen to my radio show interview with John:
Text from Qikfunder:
Who Is John Draper?
Over the past 40 years, John has helped an enormous list of individuals (mostly in the tech and hacking world) and corporations, contributing to the foundations of the many gadgets we have today (he also called President Nixon to tell him Los Angeles was running out of toilet paper ;). Known as ‘Captain Crunch’ for his legendary phone phreaking, Draper has always been driven by passion and not money, and despite his many contributions to companies such as Apple where he wrote the first word processor called EasyWriter for the Apple II, Crunch is not a wealthy man. Up to two months ago John always depended on himself to support his simple life, but now due to his recent health issues he is unable to work or travel.
To insure his focus remains on his recovery, we want to help him to cover his personal and medical expenditures he will be facing for the many months ahead.
The smallest donation can make a difference in this mans life..