Kerry on Tir na Saor Radio Ireland – Link
I was the guest on Antonia Leslie’s radio show on Tir na Saor Radio broadcasting from Ireland Thursday at 1pm PT and 9pm Irish time.
I was the guest on Antonia Leslie’s radio show on Tir na Saor Radio broadcasting from Ireland Thursday at 1pm PT and 9pm Irish time.
This is an audio interview with Kerry, conducted by Russell Scott back in 2012: http://www.westcoasttruth.com/who-the-heck-is-this-russell-scott-anyway.htmlhttp://www.westcoasttruth.com
This is a very important interview involving the healing properties of a special kind of water created by a black project scientist who was working
Today at 12 noon (time has been changed by Blogtalk several times which is already frakking weird!) I will be Guest Host on the Paul
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Nutrimedical Report
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Ann Eller
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. James Martinez
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Rayelan Allan
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Dr. Bill
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Benjamin Fulford
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Dr. Bill
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Clay and
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Dr. John
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Gerald Celente
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Journeys with Rebecca
Dr. Bill Deagle News relating to bio warfare labs in Ukraine, the multi faceted attack on the immune system and plans to depopulate the world.
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Miriam Delicado
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Richard Dolan
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Brian O'Leary
Note: if you wish to download to your computer, right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive. Dr. Bill
Since its inception, Project Camelot has become a leader in the area of whistleblower testimony by providing filmed interviews, shot guerrilla style, on location, with key witnesses and researchers from all around the world. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments. Project Camelot has now been operating for over 17 years.
To reach Kerry Cassidy email: kerry@projectcamelot.tv
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