Camelot Forum now online!
August 7, 2010 Camelot Forum now online! Our Camelot Forum has opened and we are already experiencing a surge of participation. We encourage you to
August 7, 2010 Camelot Forum now online! Our Camelot Forum has opened and we are already experiencing a surge of participation. We encourage you to
August 4, 2010 Updated Joint Announcement from Project Camelot & Avalon “The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things: Of shoes,
August 1, 2010 – Update Letter From Miriam For all those healers who are part of the Healing Circle for Miriam’s sister, Juliana, please click here
July 31, 2010 Re: Wikileaks – Upswing in High Caliber Disclosures We applaud the release of documents and the sudden upswing they are having in
July 30, 2010 : Updated To: Friends of Camelot and Miriam Delicado Email addresses hidden to protect privacy. ADDED NOTE: Her sister is in Dusseldorf,
July 27, 2010 BP another geologist weighs in… no seal to the leak Click here to watch the video Richard Sauder Released! We are glad
This interview was recorded in October 2009, but was only published in July 2010 due to technical problems: several tapes were corrupted and one was
July 26, 2010 On Phobos, The Moon and other artificial satellites Clearly the case for Phobos being in essence a “ship” as Hoagland refers to
Video Trailer for my upcoming Documentary on Adam’s Calendar and the Makomati Stone Circles with Michael Tellinger. This mini-ufo showed up in the film… I
Video Trailer for my upcoming Documentary on Adam’s Calendar and the Makomati Stone Circles with Michael Tellinger. This mini-ufo showed up in the film…
Video Trailer for my upcoming Documentary on Adam’s Calendar and the Makomati Stone Circles with Michael Tellinger. This mini-ufo showed up in the film… I
July 21, 2010 12 Noon Today I will be on the Vinny Eastwood Show on American Freedom Radio Speaking in Santa Ana, CA – Today I
July 19, 2010 Top Secret America – Washington Post – new series of articles/videos Something is going on with this new very nicely organized series put
Come and see Kerry Cassidy speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and
July 14, 2010 Regarding the BP Oil Spill and the Illuminati/Draco Plan While re-reading Defending Sacred Ground by Alex Collier I came across the following
July 12, 2010 YouTube video by filmmaker Matt Smith on the scene at Gulf oil disaster. Well worth watching.
July 7, 2010 Letter from an Australian Source The folllowing is unclear but the source is well-placed and has a good handle on the world
July 6, 2010 Another angle on the BP oil spill. Take a look at this. Developing….
July 5, 2010 Michael Tellinger to Join Egypt Tour I am very pleased to announce that Michael Tellinger will be joining Rebecca Jernigan and I
July 2, 2010 Shift Teleconference Stream Available Soon… Never a dull moment. We had an excellent roundtable discussion in the spirit of Camelot with the
Since its inception, Project Camelot has become a leader in the area of whistleblower testimony by providing filmed interviews, shot guerrilla style, on location, with key witnesses and researchers from all around the world. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments. Project Camelot has now been operating for over 17 years.
To reach Kerry Cassidy email:
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Project Camelot does not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views represented by those we interview or have on our radio shows, internet TV shows or other broadcasts and productions.
What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
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