Help for Niara Isley – MILAB

Many Camelot viewers will recall my interview with Niara Isley.  GO HERE TO VIEW if you haven’t already seen it:



A few weeks ago, I read a Facebook post from my friend (and yours), Niara Terela Isely, in which she detailed her struggles with emotional, physical, and financial issues. Especially financial issues, because taking care of them will alleviate all the others.

There were many replies to Niara’s Facebook post supporting her and wishing her well; but while those replies were uplifting, they didn’t offer what Niara needs most – which is cash.

To that end, I have initiated a “Niara Going Forward” campaign to raise the cash she needs to get out of her current difficulties. Niara gave me a list of the financial requirements she believes will successfully move her out of the quagmire she is in  and into positive forward movement.

ALL DONATIONS GO DIRECTLY TO NIARA. Please donate what you can, and feel free to share this email with others you believe will be willing to help. Niara will send a signed copy of her book to those who donate $100 or more, and will send a locked e-book to those who donate $50 or more.

Many thanks,

Janet Sailor
Access Media
P.O. Box 888 (U.S. Mail ONLY) • 12 Crestview, E-10 (Ship ONLY)                                 Angel Fire, NM 87710

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