LATEST UPDATE:  02.21.25 LATEST INFO.  FROM HIS MOTHER:  The door was left open but the cops say it was a suicide and she is wanting an investigation





SHOCKING NEWS!  Verified by Laura Eisenhower… developing and awaiting more detail.

I interviewed Cyrus Parsa many times see videos below.

Very sad news…



About CYRUS PARSA – Posted to my Telegram

It was a hit… he was super paranoid with good reason…What is strange is that he had been out of the public eye for years… sick and hiding out.

He knew a lot even everything.

Re Covid:   The aliens gave the scientists at Fort Derrick the formula…via computer. Grey aliens.

I tried to get him into the Trump team but they rejected him.  I never knew why. He met with some of them.

I guess they didn’t fully think they could trust him.  He was very psychic…I am surprised they got to him, probably the Chinese… but he was suing big tech, too…

He was a highly trained psionic ninja..  trained in China for a time.

I would like to think he faked his own death but it sounds like not.

I did over 6 interviews with him trying to get him to say what he knows and he only gave the bare bones… But he must have come across some secret they were willing to kill him over.

He knew it all AI, aliens, kundalini.. you name it.

Maybe it was a vendetta…it doesn’t make sense.  He was very careful.

The police should probably talk to me but they wouldn’t believe me.

Not sure why but I saw an orange and white helicopter… not sure what it means

As far as I am concerned the white hats made a big mistake not bringing him on board.

Big mistake.

I think they couldn’t handle his religious background… I think he was Iranian …a mix.

Update  02.21.25

I watched his video on he posted on Jan 8, 2025.  He lost a lot of weight, aged… sounding like he is losing it but still coherent.  He knew too much and they could not have him out there talking.  Neither our government nor Iran.  Perhaps others.  It was a hit.  Apparently he had a break.. and was close to revealing everything he knew.  He knew a lot.  I don’t know what is happening regarding how the hit took place.  He said he was being lured somewhere…   I met him in person a few years ago but haven’t seen or talked to him in a few years. —Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot

CYRUS PARSA on on Jan 8, 2925



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I interview Cyrus Parsa regarding his new book, THE GREAT RESET:  How Big Tech Elites and the World’s People Can Be Enslaved by China CCP or A.I.  We also talk about current events, his view on why Trump lost the election and what may happen in the future.

See link below to get book.


From Amazon:   This book is meant to be a neutral analysis and depiction of threats to world leaders, big tech elites, Silicon Valley, conservatives, liberals, WEF, nation states, the intelligence community, and the common person. This includes religious people and atheists. It is not against WEF, Silicon Valley, right, or left. Rather, I attempt to write on everyone’s behalf. I will describe the Great Reset (4th industrial revolution) more in detail from the macro perspective with short and concise summary paragraphs of each major global component as it relates to AI, smart cities, and the geo-political challenges that exist.I will go a lot further and beyond what the World Economic Forum has published and is disclosing to the public with Mr. Klaus Schwab’s own book, COVID 19: The Great Reset, which shined may be 5% of what I disclosed in my previous book Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity, and what I will be disclosing here, in this book.I was the only human being in the world that knew the timing and worked hard to accurately warn and predict that the world’s people were in impending danger from a Bioweapon or disease (Covid 19, AKA CCP Virus) from China CCP in 2019, leading to conflicts with lockdown, famines, AI enslavement, and the entire Great Reset. Prior to and more accurate than Bill Gates, Elon Musk, WEF, intelligence agencies, or any government. Methods included Secret Service briefs, Fmr. CIA Covert Ops Director reports, published books Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity, and numerous attempts to provide solutions to save lives and help governments, the intelligence community, media, and families. The intention has always been altruistic and to help my fellow citizen and their families from harm. I hope now, this book, my efforts, and The AI Organization, are taken more seriously and supported. Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization,

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