From: MORTON SEAN DAVID (73055112)
Sent Date: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 6:22 PM
To: kerry@projectcamelot.org
Subject: CALLED IN


Dear Jay Pee and Mr. Rho,

I sent out a STRANGE UNIVERSE MESSAGE to you that I hope you can FORWARD to anyone EVERYWHERE in this Strange Universe!!

Also, I called in to the number I have for Jay Pee starting at 3.25pm all the way to 3.40pm and no one answered the phone!

So hopefully you will get the blog in time to read it SOMEWHERE at SOMETIME!

I start working on the message usually about FRIDAY and then get it out on SUNDAY NIGHT…but it didn’t go out until MONDAY AM…

I think the COOLEST PREDICTION as I was reaching out my mind to the world events coming…I SAW a FINAL PEACE TREATY between North and South Korea, leading to a RE-UNIFICATION that I predicted YEARS AND YEARS AGO!

So get this! I SAW TRUMP making a speech AT THE DMZ in front of the barriers and the barb wire, and he looked just like Reagan, yelling to a mix crowd of Koreans, saying, “KIM JON UN! TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!”

So how cool is this….LITERALLY MOMENTS AGO, Trump was doing a ROSE GARDEN press conference with the Nigerian President….and two FOX reporters tag teamed Trump about WHERE they would have the NO-KO PEACE TALKS! They had rejected PYONGYANG, and REJECTED SEOUL…and suddenly, Trump jumped to the idea of having the peace talks AT THE PEACE HOUSE where MOON and UN JUST MET…which is ON THE DMZ, just inside the SOUTH KOREAN SIDE!

This confirmation of the vision tells me THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN! AND THERE WILL BE A PEACE TREATY…and there will be GREAT REJOICING in both NORTH and SOUTH KOREA…and, in THIS COUNTRY, will finally give some closure to those vetrans of this LONGEST WAR. My father served as a Naval Aviation fighter pilot and Melissa’s father Robert served in the SPECIAL FORCES in KOREA as well….

You can read this ON AIR if you like! Love

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