This meltdown involving Gordon Duff, Jim Fetzer and Stew Webb is part of a much larger picture and plays into the real operations surrounding Jade Helm and the exercises involving the other states as well (see below).
It has now come to light that during one week, several alternative media personalities have either been attacked or taken ‘off line’ simultaneously.
I, Kerry Cassidy, was struck by a SCALER WEAPON ATTACK to the right side of my head, causing facial numbness and damaged nerves… which has made it impossible for me to broadcast or to conduct my scheduled interview with Captain Mark Richards. At the same time, Mike Harris, well known talk show host was perhaps conveniently out of the country following well known physicist, MT Keshe around in Italy**(see below for more clarity on this), while, Jeff Rense was reportedly in a major auto accident. At the same time, Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today drops two important journalists, Jim Fetzer and Stew Webb from the VT line-up and goes overboard to stress that Jade Helm is a meaningless exercise and nothing to worry about… WHAT’S GOING ON HERE??
In my view the above all happening in one important week is no accident. Something is being orchestrated and we need to question on a deeper level who is being played and what “they” are planning.
What does seem remarkably obvious to me is that this issue is building toward some flushing out of the true patriots around the Southwestern United States and an attempt to perhaps push both Fetzer and Webb along with others into saying things that may get them taken down under the auspices of the Patriot Act sometime in the future. Meanwhile, others are being distracted by threats to health and well being to keep them silent…
As it happens, I am mending fast thanks to some excellent healing assistance and I hope Jeff Rense will be as well.
I believe that Jade Helm could either be a major distraction in one part of the U.S. while they create a false flag in another part or could actually trigger at the very least a BUNDY RANCH type episode or be a veil beneath which certain key patriot leaders in these key states are rounded up or forced into Behold a Pale Horse type scenarios….
I would caution people to be alert, gather evidence and please do let me know what you are observing in your own neighborhoods and cities.
If Duff has been ordered to discredit certain players it is because his bosses at the agency that employs him have ordered him to do so… The events going down at VT may in fact be an in-fight between the FBI and a faction of the CIA and possibly other agencies, in essence a turf war. I urge everyone to stay cool and watch carefully.
Project Camelot was told many years ago by various witnesses that the end of 2015 was the cut-off point for the ringing in of the new financial system… If this is a takedown then orchestrating chaos is a likely part of their planned scenario.
These exercises across the U.S. could be a way under cover of daylight to distribute troops and equipment and create a network in place for anticipated riots and unrest surrounding a financial reset. It is also going to no doubt stake out prepper “safe places” and outlyers who won’t be willing to march obediently into FEMA camps in the event of an EMP, Solar Flare or major volcanic eruption at say, Yellowstone.
There is also a scenario in which Duff is the “fox” set up for everyone to chase. Why is it the guys out there talking about Duff don’t seem to get his role as an AGENT working for the CIA? Don’t they get just what those guys are trained to do? Disinfo is part of their tradecraft. They use it whenever it is deemed necessary and useful. The other side to that is when they do decide (or are directed) to actually tell the truth!
In a twisted scenario one can imagine Duff writing 4 articles saying Jade Helm is nonsense falls under ‘he doth protest to much’ and may indicate that overkill is about stirring up anger to direct attention to Jade Helm, knowing full well that is what would happen. The agency works in nefarious ways, need I state the obvious?
There is no real need to make the Duff attacks personal.. he is doing a job for an agency. Everything he is involved in revolves around that.
Another important question to ask when viewing the playing field at least within the U.S. is who are the true patriots and which agencies are really supporting a free America versus those under the heel of the Rothschild/BRICS/Bush Cabal NWO agenda? Because keep in mind that the BRICS are still a NWO oriented bunch as are the Bush Cabal… For them, the only question that remains is which of them get to run things…
I firmly believe there are true patriots within all the agencies and white hats… And there are factions within factions vying for power within all.
See below for more links related to the above.
On the original Jade Helm 15 document, Special Operations Forces state that the 82nd Airborne and Special Operations Forces such as the Green Berets, Navy Seals will be a part of the drill.
In the past week, TheCommon Sense Show has received over 200 emails with either accounts of massive troop and equipment movements within the United States, or the emails were from family members or friends of Special Operations Forces who are very nervous about the implications of Jade Helm.
See the revious link, now reposted below, to closing of Walmart stores, “reopening” and refurbishment of Cheyenne Mountain (NORAD) and the exercises in Iowa and Michigan…
On top of everything else, we have been seeing lots of strange “training exercises” being scheduled all over the nation recently.
For example, the following is from a news story about one being held in Iowa…
This week you may notice extra emergency vehicles and public safety officers running around in tactical gear, Hazmat suits, and bomb suits. It’s a part of a statewide drill Des Moines is hosting Tuesday and Wednesday to prepare emergency personnel for dealing with weapons of mass destruction.
Brian O’Keefe with the Des Moines Fire Department said emergency officials in Iowa need to be prepared for anything.
“You know we’re number one seed producer with corn and soy, chicken embryo development, middle of the country heartland. So I’m sure all states access it. But we’re a target like any other large community,” said O’Keefe.
And here is an excerpt form a news story about an exercise known as “Northern Exposure” that is being held in Michigan…
The National Guard event is called Northern Exposure, which is taking place across Michigan during the month of June, he said. According to the Michigan National Guard website, Northern Exposure is “a major exercise in Michigan where the military provides defense support to civilian authorities.”
IMPORTANT UPDATE**: I have now heard from Mike Harris, who has wisely taken down his defammatory article about me. I appreciate this. I am now asking him to print a retraction. That doesn’t seem to be happening.
It seems my latest article about Jade Helm and other military exercises around the U.S. has struck a big nerve.. with of all things… a person I thought was a friend, Mike Harris.
I am sorry that he has decided that what I wrote, was a personal attack!
Here is the paragraph where I refer to him in my prior article:
“I, Kerry Cassidy, was struck by a sudden pinched nerve in the upper back which has made it impossible for me to broadcast or to conduct my scheduled interview with Captain Mark Richards. At the same time, Mike Harris, well known talk show host was perhaps conveniently out of the country following well known physicist, MT Keshe around in Italy, while, Jeff Rense was reportedly in a major auto accident. At the same time, Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today drops two important journalists, Jim Fetzer and Stew Webb from the VT line-up and goes overboard to stress that Jade Helm is a meaningless exercise and nothing to worry about… WHAT’S GOING ON HERE??”
Why would the above spark such a vindictive and accusatory response from Mike Harris, who has posted his response on Veterans Today? Everyone who knows Camelot will know I was in no way denigrating him or Keshe when I said that Mike may have been (note I use the word “perhaps”) conveniently out of the country during what appears to be an orchestrated attack on several key journalists? What I was suggesting is that he was being purposely sent out of the way by Veterans Today or some organization (?) in order to allow Gordon Duff to fire both Webb and Fetzer, to assure that Mike wouldn’t feel propelled to come to their defense or to try to clear up any misunderstandings. Indeed, as it happened, the situation escalated and they, Fetzer and Webb decided to do a broadcast outlining what they felt were the inconsistencies in the behavior of Senior Editor, Gordon Duff along with a few others who came forward to talk about this matter.
I, in my recent article (see link above) actually defend Duff, pointing out that he is simply doing a job.
What Mike has done, however, is apparently misread what I wrote, or been prompted by “friends” (as he wrote), to construe what I wrote as being in some way an attack on Mike Harris and Keshe. On the contrary, up to now I have had the utmost respect for both of them. I continue to have the utmost respect for Keshe. The fact that Mike may have been following Keshe around Italy does not mean I thought it was a meaningless exercise. This should be OBVIOUS considering how much airtime I have given both of them and especially KESHE. In fact, Project Camelot has gone out of our way to highlight Keshe’s work and advance further understanding in this area. To say nothing of the time I have given Mike Harris on various radio shows and interviews.
It is extremely shocking and mystifying why Mike would turn on me so publiclly and strangely, without even taking the time to call me and tell me he was upset. As it happens we spoke just before I wrote the article!
I have never “plagiarized” anything and I must caution Mike Harris and Veterans Today that what he has written about me constitutes DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER and I do not take it lightly.
For those who need a clear definition:
the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel.
“she sued him for defamation” ] — wikipedia
This isn’t some preschool playground.. you can’t go around calling well known media personalities crazy just because you don’t agree with them!
And to that note, it comes to mind again what we have over this whole Jade Helm operation is an exercise that is evoking the famous saying “methinks he doth protest too much”. Which leads me, at least, to think that there is, as I stated in the above article, much more going on here than meets the eye.
It is also noteworthy that my article linked above is a roundup of most of the facts about Jade Helm currently available along with direct links. It is a very well balanced piece that simply suggests several possible underlying motives and targets for the operation. It does appear that it may only be the tip of the iceberg for what is coming, especially in light of this recent personal attack.