A new article by Paladin:
I’ve been a paid subscription member of an internet blog that shall remain nameless, for several years, posting in the comment section since its inception and before the White Hats Reports were created and posted on our blog. There has been one particular blogger who has attacked members of the White Hat team since his arrival to the blog a few years ago. Needless to say, my patience ran out so I responded in kind and the below excerpt is a combination of two posts on that subject matter:

I’ll make this short and sweet. I’ve been here since Day 1, before there was even a comment section on this blog. The comments section drew a lot of good, engaging minds in the beginning before the infiltration of disrupters, trolls and no doubt, a few agents. Unfortunately, this eventually caused a few of the ones who, IMO, contributed greatly to the discourse and understanding of what’s going on in our world to leave because of the constant harassment, degradation and comments like the Fuck yous of your favorite blogger. If you condone this, which it seems the majority does, then this fall from grace is tragic. The Chinese, as they wend their way through the maze of creating a new financial infrastructure to combat the cabal’s control of the world, don’t understand why the American people allow criminals to run their government, take away their God given rights and keep the most free country in the world in slavery. I could refer them to the comment section of this blog to provide a glimpse of the mindset of the ones who think they’re awake. As far as I can see, the majority here have trouble with discernment, common sense and critical thinking.

When one of the Chinese elders asks the question why the people of the US allow their corrupt government to even exist let alone continually and systematically strip away our wealth, rights and lives….what are we supposed to tell them? That we know but we don’t care? Or that we aren’t perceptive enough to know that we’re all slaves? Collectively, we look like complete fools to the rest of the world. We’re supposed to be the leaders of the free world and we’re the ones raping and pillaging and plundering the rest of the world…or trying to. Everyone seems to see that but us. They’re wondering why we aren’t stepping up to the plate and putting a stop to it. Don’t you think the stink of what our corrupt government does stains the rest of us? And if we aren’t stopping it then we must be condoning it.

Given you all aren’t able or motivated to get out of the bleachers and face down the cabal like some of us, you should be glad some hard ass like myself or Tman or John and quite a few other assholes are out there fighting for you on a daily basis because I can assure you, the cabal wants all your dumb asses dead. I don’t much care if you like me because I’m not here to make friends but rest assured, despite my personal feelings, I’ve got your 6…and your front…and both your flanks covered. ***** likes to scoff at this..make fun of it….degrade it…but we’ll still fight for his right to espouse his liberal views, his constant bullying, his fuck yous and all the other nonsense. Some in our ranks have been killed so again, you’ll have to excuse me if I take it serious when someone of his ilk makes fun of our efforts. And don’t expect me to embrace him and call him friend and forgive him so easily when, in the final analysis, it’s me and guys like me that are the only thing standing between him and the cabal. You should be glad there’s an asshole like me and many others out there who are willing to put our lives on the line for you on a daily basis. You don’t have a clue what it’s like, to walk in our shoes and face constant bombardment of all the resources the cabal can bring to bear and then come to a place like this and get marginalized and insulted and cursed by someone who bags groceries for a living and their only motivation in life is to be a bully on this blog while playing the role of court jester. They’re killing us….with chemtrails and GMO food and vaccinations and fluoridated water and soon the ACA will bring in the chip and legalized euthanasia so you’ll have to bear with me when I see this as a serious issue that requires attention. If any of you wish to trade places let me know because believe me, I’d rather be doing something else like playing golf and drinking adult beverages on a beach or traveling the world. I WILL die on my feet before I live on my knees.

So if my postings upset your world view or shatter your fantasies or crush your idols, just scroll past for my world is reality. And if ***** continues to attack me and the White Hats, then I’ll respond….I don’t take shit from the Satanists so I’m sure not going to take shit from someone I’m fighting for.

Despite what you might think of me, I love you all, including *****. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be in this struggle for I have no heirs to provide a better future for. And forgive me if I don’t understand why those of you who DO have heirs are not more active in this battle. You’ll just have to understand it sours my mood when I have to suspend the battle every so often to take the knife out of my back.

Make no mistake, we’re in a life and death battle and the only thing at stake here is the legacy of our children and grandchildren.
“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.”

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