Cameron in a Panic – 911 Conspiracy Advocates He Claims Worse Than ISIS!

This is wild… Cameron is truly losing it.  Or running in fear of… you got it, CONSPIRACY THEORISTS… OMG.  Worse than ISIS he claims…

In case anyone in Britian wondered whether the 4th Reich was alive and flourishing in their “homeland” here’s Cameron clearly targeting the truth seekers who rightly question 911 and the so-called rule of law… Right questioning is our right in a so-called Democracy.  “Syria needs what Iraq needs..” Cameron says…in other words, now that Britian, the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia  have set up, trained and armed ISIS/ISIL you now recommend bombing Syria and Iran back to the stone age.  

Questioning the lies of 911 is tantamount to terrorism according to Cameron…

Don’t miss my recent interview with ARMY CO-INTEL OFFICER SCOTT BENNETT who has documented and presented evidence of who is really funding ISIS/ISIL…



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