New Release : Matt Stein : When Tech Fails


I interviewed Matthew Stein, in October, 2012 at his Reno Workshop on preparedness. This is an in-depth discussion of possible Earth changes and solar events that may be coming in the future and how to prepare.

Matthew Stein Bio

Matthew Stein is an environmentalist, bestselling author, MIT trained engineer, and green builder. As an inspiring speaker and visionary thinker, he is dedicated to helping people wake up and unite to shift our collective course from collapse to global renaissance. On the practical side of things, as an expert at self-reliance, emergency prep, and survival, his writings and work help people prepare to weather the storms we are facing due to continuing climate change and ecological decline, coupled with a fossil fuel based economy that has recently passed the peak in world oil production and is struggling to cope with impending near-term shortfalls. Stein is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he majored in Mechanical Engineering.

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