Unusual Banking Activity

Another Update from my source on Unusual Banking Activity:

* Up-Date – 12/22/11 5:17 P.M. EST

* Systems Stat – Current UST Lock down still in effect, although the extra teams have been allowed leave as most of Computer Up-Loading is now in Place.

* Two of the 3 Letter Agencies still in Lock down. Conformation from 4 sources (Pentag*n, 3 Letter, Local Banks) have Confirmed this is taking place.

* Banking Screens on 138 different Currencies still Showing 00.000 , Although fluctuations in Rates are beginning to appear.

* Still no Answers from European Banking System, however they have been notified to expect a large change in all Currency Rates.

* Again, We have never seen this before and neither have the Banks.

* Analysis – Not enough Data at this time to support any type of Conclusion.

* Critical – An Attempt will be made to by B.I.S. (Bank of International Settlements), IMF, W.B. (World Bank) U.S.T. to Re-Align or to RV (Revalue) all Currencies Worldwide Simultaneously. I Repeat Simultaneously. This has never been attempted in the History of Modern Banking. Ever.

* This is scheduled to take place within a 24 to 72 Hour period from NOW. *NOTE – Still unknown if this is physically possible.

* We are not sure what to Expect at this time. We are following it hour by hour.

* Conclusion – Unknown – Extremely Unusual Banking Activity.

The Trillion dollar Lawsuit – Negative force field

Considering the number of people who seem to be flying off the handle and ranting over the lawsuit without ever having read it or investigated further… leads me to suspect that there is a substantial force field around this material bouncing people off of looking deeper. It also seems to be triggering animosity toward those who are legitimately willing to investigate. This is a sad state of affairs when people no longer wish to analyze and examine the mysteries and conspiracies in and off world. My advice to those who wish to look no further is do what you will but don’t judge others who wish to look deeper.

Unusual Banking Activity mentioned earlier (more detail)

It has taken me until this morning to get the ok to release this info. The following is from a source with substantial background in the financial sector (both traditiional and unorthodox by the way)…

Systems Stat – Current UST (United States Treasury) in Lock down on Currency comp upload of all Exotic & Major Currencies in progress, NOW.

* Pentag*n & all upper level 3 letter agencies on 24/7 call in conference concerning re-adjustments of Worldwide currencies in action for 48 hr. systems from BIS have been activated.

* All currencies reading 00.000 on all Bank computer screens. Active NOW.

* Cannot get any answers from ABN AMRO, BOL (Bank Of London) UBS, Credit Swiss, or any other Major World Banks on what is taking place.

* Have never seen this before. Ever, Anywhere!

* Analysis – Unknown

* System status – Unknown

* This could be a system adjustment. – Unlikely.

* Conclusion – Unknown at this time. – Extremely Unusual Banking activity.

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