Hugh Newman – Energy Grid
Hugh Newman | Megaliths and the Worldwide Energy Grid mp3 In March 2011 I attended Megalithomania in South Africa and was fortunate to have the
Hugh Newman | Megaliths and the Worldwide Energy Grid mp3 In March 2011 I attended Megalithomania in South Africa and was fortunate to have the
Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot | Interviewed by Mel Fabregas 2011 Filmed in Phoenix, AZ at the UFO Congress 2011 Part One
Bob Dean | A Conversation 2011 Filmed in Phoenix, AZ at the UFO Congress 2011 released April 7, 2011| .mp3 In February we were fortunate
Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama : Healing with Water Filmed in Cairo, Egypt October 2010 released December 15, 2010 | .mp3 This interview is conducted outside at
https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/ArgusoogRadio/ArgusoogRadio-20101210-ProjectCamelot.mp3 Right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive (if the save menu does not appear try refreshing the page)
911 & VIKTOR BOUT : HOW THE MERCHANT OF DEATH BECAME THE NUMBER ONE FALL GUY (photo of the Pentagon courtesy of http://geekphilosopher.com) NOTE: THIS IS
Hugh Newman : Earth Grids| .mp3 | .mov | On my recent trip to Egypt with Carmen Boulter and group, I ran into Hugh
https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/ArgusoogRadio/ArgusoogRadio-20101112-ProjectCamelot.mp3 Right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive (if the save menu does not appear try refreshing the page)
https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/ArgusoogRadio/ArgusoogRadio-20100903-ProjectCamelot.mp3 Right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive (if the save menu does not appear try refreshing the page)
Kerry Cassidy : Live in Sedona – On the trail of the Anunnaki| MP3 | MP4 Back in September 2010 I spoke in Sedona, Arizona
https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/ArgusoogRadio/ArgusoogRadio-20100723-ProjectCamelot.mp3 Right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive (if the save menu does not appear try refreshing the page)
Aaron Mccollum – Project Seagate II – Dolphin-Human Hybrids As promised, here is Aaron’s personal story. As Aaron is on a journey of self-discovery, there
https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/ArgusoogRadio/ArgusoogRadio-20100604-ProjectCamelot.mp3 Right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive (if the save menu does not appear try refreshing the page)
https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/ArgusoogRadio/asolaria-liberalis-20100514-ProjectCamelot.mp3 Right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive (if the save menu does not appear try refreshing the page)
Andy Lloyd – Dark Star | Los Angeles, May 2010 | .mp3 | .mov We visited Andy Lloyd in North England in the middle of
A Look Inside Project Camelot – Fritz Stammberger Interviews Kerry Lynn Cassidy Los Angeles, May 2010| .mp3 | .mov See parts 2-8 here! Original interview
Bob Dean | Bringing in the Light Los Angeles, April 2010 | .mp4 | .mov | .mp3 Bob Dean is a legend in his own
https://projectcamelotportal.com/files/ArgusoogRadio/ArgusoogRadio-20100326-ProjectCamelot.mp3 Right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive (if the save menu does not appear try refreshing the page)
The Anglo Saxon Mission – The Timeline – Letter from a Whistleblower… Los Angeles, March 2010 | .pdf | Reprinted below is a copy of
Right click on play box and save as MP3 to your hard drive (if the save menu does not appear try refreshing the page) Barbara
Since its inception, Project Camelot has become a leader in the area of whistleblower testimony by providing filmed interviews, shot guerrilla style, on location, with key witnesses and researchers from all around the world. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments. Project Camelot has now been operating for over 17 years.
To reach Kerry Cassidy email: kerry@projectcamelot.tv
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