Energy Wars: the Real Game-Changer
April 12, 2011 Energy Wars: the Real Game-Changer Evidence appears to be mounting that the earthquake in Japan was if not triggered then escalated in
April 12, 2011 Energy Wars: the Real Game-Changer Evidence appears to be mounting that the earthquake in Japan was if not triggered then escalated in
April 11, 2011 Energy Wars: the Real Game-Changer Evidence appears to be mounting that the earthquake in Japan was if not triggered then escalated in
April 8, 2011 On Blogtalkradio Kerry was interviewed tonight on Blog Talk Radio by Thomas Hughes… link available here. White Hats Report #18 posted here
Come and see Bob Dean speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and
April 7, 2011 New Bob Dean – A conversation – video now live on youtube click here for the interview
Come and see Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on
April 6, 2011 White Hats Report #17 April 6, 2011 – The White Hats Report #17 – To Patriotic Americans and our good readers worldwide.
THE BODHGAYA INCIDENT : ET ORIGINS OF MANKIND | .mp3 | revised mp3 further enhanced sound | Please note: the sound has already been expertly
THE BODHGAYA INCIDENT : ET ORIGINS OF MANKIND | .mp3 | revised mp3 further enhanced sound | Please note: the sound has already been expertly
April 4, 2011 Hopi Message for Japan and the world… Selling DVDs on our site.. using or other site — thanks to all who
Come and see Rich Dolan speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and
April 1, 2011 Highly recommended: my radio show this week with guest Keith Hunter (author of the book, The Lost Age of High Knowledge) regarding Ancient
Call to Prayer from Masaru Emoto – Thursday, March 31, Noon PLEASE JOIN US IN THIS HEALING PRAYER FOR THE EARTH. TO ALL PEOPLE
Come and see Rich Dolan speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and
March 27, 2011 Need donations to go to UK and interview Julian Assange I am planning to attend Megalithomania in the UK in May and
March 26, 2011 Do watch this film…. A great summation of all the main points of the Big Picture! click here to view –
March 25, 2011 Update: the livestream with Dr. Bill Deagle was cut short by Livestream for some unknown reason so we re-recorded it yesterday. click
Niara approached me during the UFO Congress in Phoenix and reminded me that we had met a year before at the Laughlin event. Back then,
March 24, 2011 My interview with MILAB Abductee: Niara Isley click here to watch March 23, 2011 MISC BLOG ITEMS Airline Mileage Donations for Speakers of
March 22, 2011 Update: The livestream with Miriam Delicado and Dr. Bill Deagle – 2 separate shows are now archived and available on the Project
Since its inception, Project Camelot has become a leader in the area of whistleblower testimony by providing filmed interviews, shot guerrilla style, on location, with key witnesses and researchers from all around the world. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments. Project Camelot has now been operating for over 17 years.
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What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
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