Phil Scheider
October 12, 2011 Phil Scheider click here to view (fixed link) There are many Phil Scheider videos on the net… I highly encourage you to view
October 12, 2011 Phil Scheider click here to view (fixed link) There are many Phil Scheider videos on the net… I highly encourage you to view
Sam captured footage of what appears to be a Particle Beam Weapon or some other very sophisticated technology hitting the ground in the mountains around
October 11, 2011 From a Source re Soccer Fields and Future Event Planning …"As both the Canaries evacuation process and the Military's food packing process
October 10, 2011 Kerry will be on Late Night in the Midlands Radio – this Friday 6:15pm Pacific Time/9:15 PM EST Tune in to get
October 6, 2011 ***We have set up free access for those who attended and streamed the live event. You should receive this access info via
October 5, 2011 Here's to the Crazy Ones: Tribute to Steve Jobs “Here's to the crazy ones ~ the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers ~
October 4, 2011 AWAKE & AWARE 2011 STREAMS NOW BECOMING AVAILABLE! Click on the ad banner above to view and purchase. ***For those who attended
October 2, 2011 Still waiting for our CONFERENCE STREAMS to load from Indigo TV We expect to have this available no later than Monday. We
October 1, 2011 Hi there, We just got back in town from a couple day break in Yosemite… We are working on getting the streams
September 27, 2011 Special thanks to everyone who helped and contributed to making this conference a fabulous success! This is only the beginning, the spark
Graham Hancock : Maestro | .mp3 | I had the great pleasure to interview Graham Hancock, well known author of Fingerprints of the Gods and many
Graham Hancock : Maestro Click here to listen/download the mp3 Click here for the transcript pdf I had the great pleasure to interview Graham Hancock,
Rich Dolan : Futuretalk 2011 Phoenix, AZ | .mp3 This is a discussion with scholar and researcher, Rich Dolan, author of Volumes I & II:
Rich Dolan : Futuretalk 2011 Phoenix, AZ | .mp3 This is a discussion with scholar and researcher, Rich Dolan, author of Volumes I & II:
September 23, 2011 Richard C. Hoagland on Coast to Coast quoted regarding Elenin on Rumor Mill News: click here to view article on Rumor Mill
September 22, 2011 We are ready for the Awake & Aware 2011 conference.. click the banner to register (we still have some ticket left but
September 18, 2011 Letter from an ex-fighter pilot to Homeland Security re Dutchsinse / HAARP From: Rich Buckley Date: September 18, 2011 6:41:12 AM PDT
September 17, 2011 Moon Rising (Full Disclosure Version) by Jose Escamilla click here to view This is well worth watching if you haven’t already seen
September 15, 2011 6.0 Mag Quakes – Cuba, Japan, New Zealand click here for CNN article Mt. Eliza, Victoria – taken with a high power
Since its inception, Project Camelot has become a leader in the area of whistleblower testimony by providing filmed interviews, shot guerrilla style, on location, with key witnesses and researchers from all around the world. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments. Project Camelot has now been operating for over 17 years.
To reach Kerry Cassidy email: kerry@projectcamelot.tv
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