I am planning to go to Malta in late June as well as other European cities if possible.

My trip to Malta will involve filming some specific sites surrounding Atlantis and other secret history.  I am also be available to do interviews there with those who may have information related to these sites or other info they would like to share with the world.

I am planning to combine this with a speaking event in Malta as well as hopefully other major European cities, Rome, Paris, Madrid and Barcelona… Will also consider other locations but based on the previous Camelot tour I want to focus on large population centers to reach more people.

If you are a promoter or interested party or have access to a European venue in one of the above cities or if you are someone who has an important story to tell (related to the Camelot mission) and are located in Malta or one of the above cities please feel free to contact me about a possible interview.

Send inquiries or info to:

Please put MALTA & EUROPE in caps in the subject line.

Anyone who wishes to donate to support this venture please let me know.

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