The Sun’s Solar capacitor and the pole shift


See also  www.detailshere.com/solaractivity.htm 


By George Gross
James Grover

This article reviews the extremely disturbing evidence that
catastrophic Earth changes may be far more real, and above all, far
more imminent than has been thought. We summarize the work of the
Nobel physicist Alfven in establishing the electromagnetic component
of any competent future paradigm of the solar system, and indeed, of
cosmology in its broadest sense. This is based upon the crucial
importance of plasma physics to astrophysics and cosmology a fact
which, for reasons that are discussed, has simply not been taken into
account in the establishment orthodoxy of those sciences.
Furthermore, this article summarizes James McCanney’s theoretical and
practical research, which leads to the conclusion that NASA is
attempting to distract attention from the very real dangers of
imminent Earth changes. The purpose of the article is to allow non-
specialists, that is to say, the public at large, to make up their
own mind on these dramatic matters.
There is a sufficient quantity of evidence from a number of
scientific and historical disciplines particularly from the
application of plasma physics to the study of the solar system, but
also from the geological record of planetary catastrophes and
magnetic polar shifts to make it virtually inconceivable that there
will not be major Earth changes within a matter of months or, at
most, within a year or two.


McCanney took up the baton in 1979 and the early 1980’s at the
Physics and later the Math departments at Cornell. Given the
retardation effect with respect to the electromagnetic component,
that Alfven has made clear, it is easy to understand, yet utterly
lamentable that McCanney was not given tenure by either department.
The other side of that coin is that McCanney was free to take up the
role of an independent scientist, not subject to the pressures of
the scientific community, peer pressure or governmental non-
disclosure agreements and funding. (ibid. p. 32)

Cornell had certain advantages: the Library was part of the Library
of Congress network, so if a book was in print, it was available.
Even more importantly, it was a repository of data from NASA. As we
read in the introduction to his book, armed with his existing
theoretical work, and this incredible source of information and with
the timing that coincided with the daily arrival of new data from the
Voyager and other space craft, he [McCanney] was in a totally unique
position to do what he has done. (loc.cit. p.iii)

In other words, schematically speaking, McCanney took over where
Alfven left off. Here is the core of McCanney’s position with
respect to the electromagnetic part of the paradigm.


(1) Our solar system acts like a large electrical circuit Our sun
forms an electric capacitor (a separation of electrical charge as
done by a simple DC battery in a flashlight)

(2) This solar capacitor has its negative pole at the surface of the
sun, and also has a negative pole far out beyond the outer planets in
the form of a sparse nebular cloud of dust and gasses.

(3) An excess current of protons continually generates and supports
the solar capacitor by way of the solar wind (literally a wind of
such particles leaving the sun and blowing outwards into space)

(4) All stars and galactic nuclei, and even unlit small stars such as
our planets Jupiter and Saturn are producing cosmic batteries
around themselves.

(5) This is a natural by-product of the nuclear fusion process (the
burning of nuclear fuel such as hydrogen, helium, etc.) in the
atmospheres of these celestial objects. (McCanney, op.cit. p.10)

(6) The sun is powered at its atmospheric surface by an electrical
fire of hydrogen and helium that we call fusion that is constantly
ignited by energetic lightning bolts in its turbulent atmosphere. It
is the local electric field at the outer surface of the sun (the
solar corona of high energy electrons) that hurls the vast solar
flares out into the far reaches of the solar system. The positively
charged protons are accelerated outwards, while the negatively
charged electrons are retarded, thus causing what I have called the
excess current of protons in the solar wind. The sun produces far
more energy in the form of electrical energy than it does in the form
of light energy. (ibid. p.13)

(7) To give an idea of the stupendous magnitude of solar flares,
they release the force of 10 million volcanic eruptions in a matter
of minutes. Furthermore, a single coronal mass ejection (CME) can
carry more than 10 billion tons of hot, electrically charged gas”
[i.e. plasma] from the sun’s corona into space, a mass equivalent
to that of 100,000 battleships” packing a punch comparable to that
of 100,000 hurricanes” and traveling at between 1-5 million miles
an hour. [5]

(8) The power of CME lies in its ability to drive currents in the
Earth’s magnetosphere and if the magnetic field carried by The CME=
has a southward orientation (opposite Earth’s northward-flowing
magnetic field lines) the magnetosphere gets a major jolt
transferring millions of amperes of electric current to the
magnetosphere. (Carlowicz and Lopez, op.cit. p.89) This can knock
out power lines and electric generators, and disrupt all forms of
electronic communication.

(9) That is as far as the establishment position goes – and Carlowicz
& Lopez represent the establishment viewpoint which McCanney
denounces, because it deliberately fails to warn against the far
greater dangers which the solar storms hold  namely their capacity,
when triggered by comets or planets intruding into the solar system,
to produce major earth changes such as polar shifts, flash freezing
of continents, which certainly occurred in the past. That Carlowicz &
Lopez do in fact mislead their readers is evident from their
statement, on p.91, that storms from the sun cannot harm life on the
surface of the Earth.

(10) “In the summer of 2001, at the recommendation of a panel of
space and solar physicists, NASA announced the cancellation of the
International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) program. The Agency
decided that ˜official co-ordination of the international missions
was a scientific luxury it could no longer afford. NASA withdrew its
support for the (solar) Wind mission, and for participation in
Japan’s Geotail mission. Funding for some of the key elements of the
ISTP success story  the theory and modeling programs, the data
centers, the ground-based observatories was almost entirely cut
off. Why? Because the co-ordination of the data from all of those
sources would have let the cat out of the bag and made it a lot more
difficult to sustain the two illusions that (1) electromagnetism
plays a negligible part in solar physics and (2) there is no real,
imminent threat of major catastrophic Earth changes.


Planet X being pulled into our solar system

When celestial body such as an asteroid, a comet or a planet enters
the solar capacitor it will cause a localized and then more
extended electrical discharge of the capacitor. This much like the
backyard bug killer or zapper that discharges when a bug flies
between the high voltage screens. (p.14)

What happens next is that the increased electrical activity imparted
to the solar atmosphere ignites a higher level of nuclear fusion
causing the sun to become excited above its normal levels and may
ignite small to very large solar flares. Small comets have many times
been observed to directly cause solar flares as they pass near the
sun. (ibid., p.16)

Small comets generally discharge only the small localized regions
of the solar capacitor, whereas the very large ones can discharge up
to and including the entire capacitor These are the ones (such as the
anticipated Planet-X) which are growing much larger and pose a
serious threat to the existing planets including Earth. (p.12)

Now here is the crux of the matter: The sun is currently at levels
never experienced before and it is increasing to record levels of
activity every day. We were supposed to have peaked in the year 2000
with the ˜solar maximum[We are currently over two years beyond
that, and there is no end to the increases in sight. It definitely
indicates that the sun is currently interacting with a large
intrusion into the solar capacitor. (p.21)

The intruder is capable of action at a distance in the following
manner. The comet would discharge to the solar surface causing a
significant solar flare that could blow a huge wall of high energy
protons our way, causing an alteration of [Earth’s] magnetic field
structure [which under ordinary circumstances, acts as a protective
shield] and cause electrical and cyclonic storms at the surface of
the earth. (pp.21-22) This in turn could trigger massive Earth
changes of the kind that are known to have already occurred in the
geological record.


Earth has been subjected to a close encounter by at least one
massive new comet becoming a planet in the time frame of no more than
10,000 years ago. The time frame that clearly makes sense for the
last event is approximately 3,500 years ago, the time we see a
dramatic transition between ˜pre-history and the digging of ˜modern
man out of the devastation. There is no longer any other possible
scenario and modern science is impeding progress each day that it
holds the reins of power and prevents this reality from blossoming
forth. (op. cit., p.100)

It was Velikovsky who fifty years ago pioneered the above hypothesis
and McCanney has a special tribute to Immanuel Velikovsky in which
McCanney insists on the value of Velikovsky’s insight: says
McCanney: NASA scientists have been repeating for 25 years
that Velikovsky has been proven wrong. It is time to set the record
straight. It was NASA that was [and is still] wrong. Velikovsky
single-handedly did more for the advancement of true science than all
of the NASA scientists in the last 3 decades combined. (p. 102)

The proceedings of the Second IEEE International Workshop (published
in Astrophysics and Space Science Vol. 227, 1995, and reprinted in
book form the same year by Kluwer Academic Publishers as Plasma
Astrophysics and Cosmology ed. Peratt, A.L.) fully support the
immense importance of electromagnetism in the practical and
theoretical study of cosmology. The most obvious reason for this
importance lies in the fact that 99% of the matter in the universe
is in the form of plasma which is composed, precisely, of
electromagnetically charged gas, ions and electrons.

McCanney goes on to assert that, on the basis of the electromagnetic
theory of solar system and planetary formation, the solar system was
not born at a single point in time. It began with the Sun and
Jupiter. All the other planets were integrated into the solar system
by capture. They began as comets in elliptical orbit, but as they
accreted more and more debris by virtue of their electrical charge
and attraction, they slowed down and their orbits settled into
circular motion around the sun.

We clearly know today that the pre-planet comet [that became Venus]
was CAPTURED by Jupiter, a process that is very common, and well
understood mathematically, and has been observed as every one of the
major planets have associated families of comets that were captured.
Venus is a hot new planet. (p.101)

A similar process of capture is happening with Planet X. The
perturbations of the solar corona bear witness to its entry into the
solar system. The question is not whether it is there or not, the
question is when will its presence cause major earth changes.

The sun is currently at levels never experienced before, and it is
increasing to record levels of activity every day. It definitely
indicates that the sun is currently interacting with a large
intrusion into the solar system (op.cit.p.21)

However, McCanney states that the timing of the earth changes cannot
be accurately predicted because even if a large new object were
known about today with exact location and orbital information, its
orbit will change on a daily basis and the true orbit and location
will elude prediction although rough estimates can be made if an
actual candidate is identified.  (McCanney, op.cit., p. xii)


It is a major contention of McCanney’s that NASA and the academic
astronomy and astrophysical establishment have been, and still are,
engaged, not only in peddling the antiquated pre-electrical paradigm
of celestial functioning, but also that they are engaged in a massive
cover-up. He says, therefore, It is imperative that the public
turn to the truth of what is really going on, and force NASA to
release any data regarding new planets or other large objects.

However, McCanney fears that the opposite is going to happen: NASA
will work harder and harder to put their name, and their incorrect
and borrowed information (mixed with their outdated and incorrect
theories) in the public eye through news releases, TV and weather
specials and newspaper articles. (McCanney, op.cit. p. xii)

It is essential that the public recognize them for who they are and
what they are. It is also important that the public understand the
correct information so they’re not lead down the wrong path by what
appear to be well-educated scientists who stand behind their Ph.D.s
and government funding.

It is safe to say that the NASA scientists are in complete denial.
They hide behind a news release system in which no one can ask them
questions, they hide behind their own referee system in which they
referee their own articles, or, as in the case of automatic
publication in SCIENCE or NATURE journals, articles are not refereed
at all.(p.8)

What really is at stake, according to McCanney, is that for every
day that NASA sits back, says nothing and collects an ill-gotten
paycheck, it is another day that the human civilization on this
planet goes unprepared for a critical time of survival as a species.

McCanney brings before the bar of public opinion the following
statements: NASA was caught lying and producing doctored photos to
prove that the comet Hale-Bopp did not have a companion NASA began
blatantly hiding data from many space investigating facilites
including the Hubble Space Telescope, the SOHO solar observatory NASA
developed public relations offices whose function was to fend off
problematic people like myself with planned disinformation
campaigns. (McCanney, p.44)

The NASA news release system is strict and comes only from
designated NASA news points in Goddard Space Center, and Jet
Propulsion Labs. Individual scientists are under strict non-
disclosure agreements. These scientists cannot discuss or admit
publicly any event that might cause public alarmâ. That is why the
data regarding a new arrival like Planet X will not be allowed from
the halls of NASA. They are under strict contract NOT to tell the
public. (McCanney, op.cit. p.49)

[It] is clear that NASA has observed such objects [as Planet X] and
is hiding the data from the public. (p.32) Similarly: There is
clear evidence that NASA is now hiding data that would prove that
there is another massive object inbound into the solar system with
potential for devastating effects on planet Earth. (p. 101)

George Gross
James Grover

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