I’m an American and I am wondering where should I move? If we are about to experience anything remotely like the bombing of Japan during WWII I don’t think I want to stay here and wait for it.
Because I can’t fight a bomb or a nuke with my bare hands. Can you?
So I am wondering how Q (the AI) and the white hats who somehow have access to that technology that can see future probabilities so clearly… based on if this happens then that happens and the probability of the next thing happening is over X%. You get the drift.
How can they sleep at night knowing our future is looking a lot like Japan after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And doing nothing to stop it. And then Juan/John intrepid warrior though he is. Goes out in public and talks for an hour to NINO RODRIGUEZ drawing the analogy of how our future now looks a lot like Japan’s did then. And the whole time Nino never seems to get it even though it is obvious he is in on it. Says nothing. Other than…there will be no election because “something” is going to stop it. So between now and November Juan/John is telling us to prepare with some food and some gold and sit ready in our houses to be bombed. By who and for what reason we don’t know. Other than the dark side are sore losers and will do anything to stop Trump from winning the election and taking office.
Is there anything logical about this? We are invaded by military men posing as refugees getting flights and credit cards and hotel rooms all across the United States and all anything anyone can do is TALK ABOUT IT.
ALL THE WHILE. Trump dissolved the US Corporation by executive order while still in office. In March of 2021 after Biden died and was given a funeral rather than a real inauguration, Trump was secretly sworn in as Commander in Chief.
But according to Juan/John and his generals and AI, TRUMP cannot “function” as President and CIC because the “people” would erupt into “civil war”. But being bombed and EMP’d is perfectly all right….because it would “teach the people a lesson” because they have to “show” the people rather than “tell them the truth”.

What if Q the AI is wrong? What if bombing and EMPing us doesn’t work? What if the AI is in on the steal? What if our future belongs to us and not to those who would try to steal it from us… regardless of the color of their hats. What if civil war is what we have amidst an invasion and that we can fight on the ground. But what we cannot do anything about is if “they” decide to bomb us. For that we are sitting ducks. Watching an orchestrated light show of solar flares which are usually aimed away from Earth but this time will be aimed directly at us. Because both sides have decided that we deserve it. They want a new world at any cost. And we are the price THEY are wiling to pay.
And where meanwhile are our military? Those brave men and women who have been trained to protect us, the American people, as their sworn duty to the constitution and the Republic? No one is talking…
In fact, even now after years of telling us “the military is the only way”, Juan/John is silent on the subject of the military. Where will they be during the EMP and bombing? Underground like they were during Lahaina? Fighting the good fight or like us waiting like lambs to the slaughter. Or worse joining the other side?
Q is not a person it is an AI. And why do people think the predictions that Q has made so accurately are such genius. All Juan and the generals are doing apparently is taking notes, and then releasing into the public bits of intel from Q that foretell our future with such accuracy that on May 10th of 2018 or whoever it was coyly wrote on a Q post that on May 10th 2024 we would see a “sky event”. And we did. No great human genius at work there.

All the White Hats do is wrap the musings of Q the AI into clever little posts containing our future that they know and we don’t. Not very honorable really. Just taking orders, following a script. Just like the Illuminati do using the false Bible as their guide and all the minions that go around dutifully mimicking “scripture” and calling themselves “holy” and lovers of Christ because they say what they are taught to say on a daily basis. They are just the same. Little robots repeating what they have been told word for word. While the world burns and goes down a dark hole… while those following Q dutifully believe in a happy ending and those same people believe in armageddon and the return of someone who they think claims they are all “sinners” to be saved only by a human sacrifice… Of God’s “only” son.
All the while they claim they themselves are made in the image of God. So how does that work? Sinners from birth made in the image of God that need a blood sacrifice and death of one man to “save” them for “heaven”. To cleanse them of their SINS? By that definition their God is a Sinner too…
A vindictive punishing God who rewards blood sacrifice through the centuries? An act repeated in their churches day in and day out all over the planet when they are told to drink the blood of Christ and “eat” his body?
The sad hypocrisy of it all. And still we wait because if LOOKING GLASS AND Q ARE RIGHT we in America are about to have much more than a ‘near death’ experience. But God forbid we should leave our houses and take to the streets and rebel against our self-proclaimed leaders and tear down their phallic city dedicated to Osiris…
Because to hear the white hats spokesperson Juan/John talk… better that we are bombed to oblivion and “lose a few cities” than that we rebel into civil war because that would take the power out of the hands of the right and create chaos in the streets. I don’t know about you but taking up arms sounds like a much more noble way to go down fighting for our freedom.
From what I have seen of the future we will have our civil war… regardless of the self-administered EMP that they try to blame on China or Iran or Russia. And there’s not a damn thing Q or the AI or the Generals can do about it.
KERRY CASSIDY, Project Camelot

LETTER TO Juan O SAVIN: While you are in Japan… MEANWHILE… Juan O Savin “Black Swan Rising” 5-9-24 Well this is not good news… Juan goes to great lengths in his latest conversation with Nino to draw parallels between our situation in the US going up to November and HIROSHIMA??? Saying the Japanese knew which cities would be HIT in advance etc. THIS…
RECORDED LIVE ON YOUTUBE NOW ALSO ON RUMBLE AWARD WINNING AUTHOR… KERRY CASSIDY NEWS & VIEWS is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. BROOKS AGNEW WEBSITE Brooks says he is able to access “looking glass” an AI technology ‘when it goes live’ and used the information to write …
Judgment Day
ALEX JONES/. Raw Egg Nationalist | Infowars.com
May 12th 2024, 10:27 am. https://www.infowars.com/posts/judgment-day/
