QUOTE FROM  ARTICLE:…”I believe that Dick Cheney also had the ability using evolutions of the PROMIS software, to penetrate and override any other radar computer or communications system in the government.- Mike Ruppert, in “Summation: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury,” from Crossing The Rubicon, p.592

[Few have grasped the overall long-term significance of the saga of PROMIS software and what it has become. When I reported on it in October 2000, after meeting with and assisting members of the RCMP’s National Security Staff I was aware that – in terms of secret technologies – PROMIS and its evolutions were the lynchpin of every new military, scientific and financial advance being pursued by the US government and corporate sector. PROMIS progeny have become the “operating system” underlying data management and data mining for every major technology under development in all arenas of technological advance from medicine, to finance, to surveillance, to battlefield Command, Control and Communications or C3.

In the long ordeal to secure a publisher for Crossing the Rubicon, my agent and I went through a number of publishers who expressed keen interest in the book. The problem was that almost every one we dealt with came back to us and said, “We’d like to publish the book but we need for you to remove certain things.” By a great margin, it was our chapter on PROMIS and my many subsequent references to it that appeared to be public enemy number one for mainstream publishers (most owned by multi-national corporations).”  MICHAEL RUPPERT author of CROSSING THE RUBICON

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