Trump’s team ‘have the goods’ to prove election results were rigged says Jan Halper-Hayes – The Global Herald

…”Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense Talks Trumps Subpoena Power and EO 13848- How the DoD & Trump Has All the Goods on the 2020 Election… The US is a BANKRUPT CORPORATION – SPACE FORCE..”-— UltraMJTruth (@MJTruthUltra) August 4, 2023

I have been saying this for years… it has been out…

Halper-Hayes  is verifying it. THEY HAVE IT ALL.

They (the White Hats) told us that in the beginning.  Robert David Steele said it prior to his “death”.  White Hats and Juan O Savin have been saying this although after initially stating they had all the evidence on block chain and dominion servers they went quiet.  I challenged them to release it in a number of articles and in video interviews…to no avail.

TRUMP DISSOLVED THE CORPORATION WHILE IN OFFICE and re-established the Republic. This is established by Patel Patriot in his DEVOLUTION.LINK series… and by others.

Biden is President of NOTHING…even Putin said that…..reported by Phil G based on a leaked transcript of a phone call between Biden and Putin.

Yes Halper-Hayes was apparently given the go-ahead to confirm it all.  Great to see.

Strangely this came out via the British press and on some European sites and alternative U.S. sites… No real coverage so far in the U.S. mainstream (land of the free, home of the brave freedom of the press)…The White Hats ultimately went silent as did Trump in order to prevent “civil war”.  But what does CIVIL WAR look like in this century?  Because we could arguably say we are in and have been in a civil war since the stolen election of 2020 anyway.  We may not be going against each other and our government with guns but the split is as glaring as ever and the divide continues to grow.  In some cases however one could argue we do have a cross-over of Democrats who are now seeing things from a more Republican mind-set and some Republicans have turned their backs on Trump and the White Hats.  The drama continues.

What is significant now, with this latest move by the White Hats and Trump…they are throwing down the gauntlet for the dark side to deal with that in the event Trump ends up in court all of this could come out.  If that happens the Deep State will be on trial and Trump’s evidence will expose their nefarious steal once and for all.

The question now is, whether the Deep State will risk being exposure by taking Trump to court or will they create a false flag to change the narrative?  Will they push the matter and be exposed or somehow back down.  This remains to be seen.

What is clear is that if TRUMP has his day in court so will the American people and the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of Trump’s win which could overturn the election and all the candidates who may have falsely won as well.  We could have a brilliant overturn of our system of justice and the Country.

…”“Now, let me say something about this 2020 election, is that Biden is the legitimate president, but he’s the legitimate president of what is now the bankrupt US. Corporation and that was a treaty in 1871,” said Halper-Hayes.

The Treaty of 1871, also known as the Treaty of Washington, was an agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom. The two nations were aiming to settle disputes that had lingered since the American Civil War.

She continued, “Well, on September 12, 2018, Trump created an executive order. Within that, he outlined in future elections any kind of foreign or domestic interference specifically for the 2020 election. So we say, how did he know some of these things were going to happen? Election integrity on both sides of the aisle is tough. It’s really tough. But what this has done is it opened the door for Trump to present his case.”

Halper-Hayes also suggested that Trump had signaled his intent to dissolve the U.S. corporation and return the country to its original state as a Republic during a meeting with the Queen of England. She claimed that this move led to a substantial transfer of gold from the Vatican Bank.”—quoted on USSA News —Jan Halper-Hayes

MUST WATCH: Pres. Trump Amplifies Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes’ Claims in Truth Social Post – Suggests Space Force Has Evidence of 2020 Election Fraud: “Trump Knew if He Presented Any of the Goods Early On, We’d Have a CIVIL WAR”



NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Including Estimated “800,000 Ballot Applications Sent to Non-Qualified Voters” – Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States



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