Brief historic on my story… I am born and raised in Canada (French province of Quebec) and now living in Arizona. I lived in California for nearly 20 years. I am a scientist with several publications. I have been a licensed Amateur Radio operator since childhood with a passion for building Antennas for 3 decades now. In 2013, I became interested in “Moonbounce Communication”, which is an exotic and very challenging mode of communication which consists in “bouncing” (reflecting) radio waves off the Surface of the Moon to make 2-way communication here on earth. In other words, the Moon is used a passive reflector. This obviously requires very sophisticated and powerful equipment which I possess. In 2016, I designed and built a unique home-made antenna array for Moonbounce communication which was published and made the cover page in a European Magazine (I have attached the 2 technical papers and cover page of the magazine for reference). Here is my Amateur Radio website:
Short documentary:
In 2017, I became interested in “Human Initiated Contact”. After having completed nearly 700 two-way communications via “Moonbounce”, I decided to repurpose my equipment and broadcast a message throughout the Solar System using my powerful Radio Station and Antenna Array which can deploy over a Quarter of a Million watts. With that kind of power, the messages I broadcast in space easily reach the deepest corners of our Solar System and far beyond. In other words, the technology I possess allows to deliver messages to their doorsteps of many ET races monitoring our Solar System …
On my first attempt sending a binary code message containing my coordinates / date and time for contact, I had an immediate reply / interaction which was quickly followed by many incredible sightings and high strangeness. Everything snowballed from there and the number and intensity of contacts kept increasing from there. Not only on the visual / technological side, but it also became a Consciousness phenomenon.
I have had hundreds of sightings /experiences, many of which I have been able to document thoroughly (video, etc.). Below example of a very recent transmission I made towards Arcturus where I invited the Triangular Craft to manifest its presence. This Craft visited me 4 times already:
The triangular shape of this “Structure” contains important mathematical information (Golden Ratio and Golden Ratio Square) which was actually the missing piece of information in the work that I am doing on Harmonic 144 & 432, which happens to be the two main frequencies I use for these high-power transmissions throughout the Solar System (frequencies 144 & 432 Megahertz). These frequencies are highly significant and related/resonate with the Earth Grid / Pyramids of Giza, but I won’t get into this right now.
Below example of a recent LIVE demonstration of a broadcast I made which resulted in 11 sightings in about 22 minutes of transmissions:
Below Montages which summarizes some of the most recent / memorable sightings I had while broadcasting (most recent, there are many others):
Below example of daytime sighting after requesting it to the Galactic Federation of World and Benevolent ET’s:
I do have dozens and dozens of these videos (daytime and nighttime).
My recent work on Harmonic 144/432/Golden Ratio led to discoveries which allows to resolve the Earth Grid mathematically and explain why the Ancient Sacred Sites are located where they are built. Additionally, the solution I proposed allows to explain why the Craft at the Rendlesham Forest for instance landed at that specific location (i.e. located on a vortex of Energy). I presented this material for the first time on the Grant Cameron’s show earlier this year. The part about this Craft starts at about 49:55min into the video if interested:
At, 01:29:52 into the same presentation above you can see an experiment I carried out with David Sereda to reach and activate shortly the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Earth Grid by bouncing Hundreds of thousands of watts of the Surface of the Moon at 432 and 144 Megahertz. The effect recorded on the Pyramid of Giza is in the Schumann Resonance range.
This work and experiences led to other discoveries in Physics / Mathematics which I am ready to release in the next few days…
There is so much more to this whole story but it would be too long to go through everything by email so I will leave it at that for now. There should be enough material mentioned above to give a sense of my work and experiences on the matter. Last year I released a short video montage mini documentary which provides more background on my story and on this Contact Modality which is now employed by hundreds of experiencers Worldwide. I adapted the methodology to smaller radio devices (handheld radios) so regular folks could make contact as well. The video montage contains many testimonials of people who have used it successfully. Below link to my mini documentary video:
Note that I do not sell anything, it is all for free and for the advancement of Humanity.

David Sereda
Inventor, Scientist
David Sereda Started Lightstream Technologies in Sedona, Arizona in 2007 with Fred Shute and Chris Paul as Jewelers who hand craft the Lightstream Pendants, Wands, Staffs and helped David Develop his designs for new Technologies! At the time David lived in Sedona with his wife Crystal and their first daughter Alyra until 2014 when they moved to Nelson, BC. Canada!
David has studied Meditation, Yoga, Vegetarian diet, world religions, ancient history, Physics, Math, Astronomy, Alternative Zero Point Energies for over 40 years. He took physics in school to the college level and continued his studies ever since. In school, he presented his Physics teacher a time dialation theory which his techer admitted was way beyond anything he had seen since Einstein! In 1990, David began working with MIT physicist Dr. Bogdan Maglich and teamed up with him to promote and fund Maglich’s non-radioactive fusion power technology. David Studied fusion power for over 10 years. Then Maglich appointed David Sereda as Director of the Los Angeles Based “Tesla Foundation” under whcih David became a Tesla Technology expert and spoke in the united States Congress with Maglich and Company on Fusion Power. Next, Maglich appointed David as President of HiEnergy Microdevices, a new company (US Defense Contractor) using novel technology to detect burried landmines and to find hidden explosives and other contraband. David did all of the US military communnications about the technology contracts and accounts including US Customs and the Coast Guard!
In the year 2006, David Sereda developed a technology not unlike a small nuclear fusion chamber to fuse frequency programs into crystals, and found that these frequencies could be stored in a crystal lattice if the secret to opening the lattice and closing it could be found. He found it worked and the thousands of people who wore the pendants treated with the etchnology could feel the vibrations and confirmed this on human energy field aura camera testing!
The pendants are made by both Fred Shute and Chris Paul of Sedona, Arizona
In 2009, David was developing the first LightStream Wand as a means of pulsing real gems through the Pulsed Crystal effect whereby a gem will emit real energy fields proprietary to the crystal and mineral composite for human and living systems healing!
The Wands were made by Sedona Jeweler Chris Paul and have been made by him ever since!
In 2015, David Sereda did the math to make the 14-pointed Star Coils, a base 7 math, and dividing 360 degrees in a full circle by 7= 51.428 degrees, which is ever so close to Great Pyramid Angle 51.85 degrees and the closest you can get to it dividing a circle by a whole number.
Next, David came up with the theory that the staff of Moses, and other legends was used as an antenna to extend human consciousness. Knowing the formula for an antenna is the height of the antenna x 4 = a full wavelenth and the speed of light divided by this wavelength would be the frequency Moses used to contact and receive from God, if we knew the exact length of the staff of Moses, ISIS and Jesus et all, we could know this sacred frequency. It took 3 years for David to study every Royal Cubit Inch formula to find the correct one and to perfect the length of the staff and know the Frequency of God!