An interview with Charles Michael Beaver about spirit attachments, ETS and dark energies.  See bio and links below.

Biography – Charles Michael Beaver (from his website:  linked below


movie bio 




·         Once a hypnotherapist, Charles Michael Beaver (who goes by the name Mike), has worked with one abductee (used as a breeder for one of the GRAY races) and has assisted one client to remove a dark spirit attachment.

Information Technology Engineer

·         As an information technology professional, with over 41 years of computer experience, he worked over 60 professional IT-related contracts.

·    His clients include the CIA, the FBI, Defense Security Services, DISA, the Library of Congress, the Treasury Department, NATO, the Army, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, Microsoft, Shell, Amoco, Conoco, Haliburton, Brown and Root, Cox Enterprises, GE, and numerous others; including a who’s who of the world’s largest corporations.

·         At the world’s largest training center, of any kind, he, with the help of a vendor, almost single-handedly, stopped a congressional investigation.

·    For a very short amount of time, he was part of Petraeus’s daily (morning) 4 start briefing; when he ran the Afghan conflict.

Stunt Man, Martial Artist & Videographer

·         As an honor degreed videographer, an award-winning photographer, and as a student of one of Chuck Norris’s best students, he worked in the Motion Picture, and freelance videography industries, for over a decade, falling off buildings, doing martial arts, taking action photographs, directing (on rare occasion), running video cameras (also on rare occasion), and working as an actor, a couple of times; though he never spoke a word in any movie.

Amateur UFOlogy Researcher & Enthusiast

•   As an amateur UFOlogist, (for about 38 years) he attended UFO related meetings with some notable UFOlogists such as Derrel Sims (HUFON), Peter Davenport (NUFORC), Walt Andrus (MUFON) and many others.


·     He has been an occasional contactee since his first close encounter on October 3rd, 1980.

·     John Scheussler investigated his first 2 close encounters within a few years of the Cash / Landrum case becoming public.


Previous interviews to prepare for our interview.

Daniel Ott Interview Mike Beaver

Kindness Beyond the Veil-Episode
72-Charles’Mike’Beaver-Attachments,ETs,And Deep Truths
– my 1st radio interview

UFO Undercover with Joe Montaldo guest Charles Michael Beaver (who
goes by the name Mike), is a hypnotherapist
who has worked with one abductee (used as a breeder for one of the
GRAY races) and has assisted one client to
remove a dark spirit attachment. April 03 2019 – 1/2 of my 2nd
radio interview

XZRS: Mike Beaver – Multiple UFO Contactee Experiences and Possessed
by Two Demons!
– my 3rd interview

Mike Beaver ~ 04/23/19 ~ Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Alex
Lessin – my 4th interview

How to Fight Hollywood, Aliens, Letter Agencies, & Demons, & Still
Come Out Smelling Like a Rose – my 5th interview

UFO Undercover with Joe Montaldo guest Charles Michael Beaver (who
goes by the name Mike), is a hypnotherapist who has worked with one
abductee (used as a
breeder for one of the GRAY races) and has assisted one client to
remove a dark spirit attachment (5/1/2019)

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