Boris will emerge from the shadows and seek to take the lead again; been keeping his powder dry as is Gove. A bloody battle will occur in the Conservative Party with much blame game tactics in play but now they will unite and I hope J Rees-Mogg might get a position in cabinet. PM Theresa will either go back to the back benches, or as did David, former PM, resign and leave politics all together as she is pretty fed up with the whole scenario. Not looking well.

Some four years ago, I decided to get my autobiography down on paper and it has taken that long to complete. As you get older the memories begin to fade and it was important to log it all down before that happened.
I haven’t been able to tell all, as I respect the safety and security of my mates and their families even when they are no longer on this mortal coil, but it was important I felt that their work was acknowledged and recorded before we were all no longer here to tell the tale. The stories have many facets and range over a wide horizon of both locations and missions, some of which may cause you to grasp, but they are all true if somewhat sensitively disguised sometimes.
I was, from the very start, commissioned to think outside the box. On occasion, I was sent to investigate bizarre and weird happenings, which could not be looked into officially, as it would have potentially damaged reputations if that were made public.
I have also been tasked on some very sensitive discovery where there was potentially treason afoot, or very dubious loyalties to the British people and the United Kingdom. These were often commissioned by elements left of field of the main body of intelligence gathering, which is allegedly there to keep you all safe! Maybe.
Sometimes that is working to a darker script, and where I am allowed, I have worked in enough clues for you the readers, to figure it out for yourselves.
This is not a book for the faint-hearted. It will take you outside of your comfort zone and is intended to do so, not by shocking you, but by requiring you to think and understand what has gone on, which you were deemed not worthy to know. This book respects you the readers for the intelligent and caring people I believe you to be.
It is unashamedly pro-British, but not xenophobic. I just happen to think some of the men and women with whom I have worked are the very best in the world at their undercover and dangerous crafts. They deliver this work with a tireless devotion, little to do with any rewards they may receive financially. It is a vocation and they do the work because they believe in this country, the United Kingdom and act where possible from the moral high ground.
On occasion I have had to investigate people who were less than ethical in their motives and hopefully over years, this has had a good influence on matters in general. This is not to say that I too, have not made mistakes, we all have; hindsight is a wonderful thing. One only wishes those in control would have the courage to admit their own mistakes but that is seemingly an unlikely hope. This is why perhaps some people like me need to speak up and call them to order, so that you, the people, can encourage them to do better over the next fifty years than has been achieved in this last half century.
Peter Paget, 30th November 2016.
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Peter Paget was born in London just after the end of the Second World War, a baby boomer, he grew up in London and the West Country where his intelligence was noted at an early age when he advised The Cabinet Office Chief Scientific Advisor at the age More about Peter PagetBestselling Books:The Welsh Triangle Revisited, Secret Life of a Spook: Based on a true story, Welsh Triangle. -
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