Subject: another Phoenix event.Date: June 19, 2018 at 11:45:59 AM PDTTo: “” <>
Hello Kerry, hope your safe and enjoying life sister. I think the world needs another Phoenix lights event to wake them up and gather as one. You tell me and lets see what the skies might reveal. As you know. I said it would happen and it did, what a greater event than that this time, one in open day light. Lets place our minds on this and see what we can produce…Eddie*****
From: Kerry Cassidy <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 7:59:04 PM
To: Eddie Page
Subject: Re: another Phoenix event.Hi Eddie,
Great to hear from you! I agree…BTW I heard that there were Lion beings in the Phoenix lights craft… at least according to the remote viewers. Do you agree?Kerry*****On Jun 19, 2018, at 10:25 PM, Eddie Page wrote:No lion beings, never heard that one…they were our people Kerry, and rumor was they got that close to hear your show…Lets do something stunning to the people. Really bring a craft in and for others to witness this openly. It want be a mother ship, but another Phoenix type craft. Lets plan this because it can happen again, and I think soon…Have fun and see ya soon…Much blessings for you. Eddie****On Jun 20, 2018, at 8:13 PM, Eddie Page wrote:Thank you Kerry. I surely will watch this. Have fun…Eddie
From: Kerry Cassidy <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 9:45:33 PM
To: Eddie Page
Subject: Re: another Phoenix event.Hi Eddie,
Here is a link to the interview I did with Courtney Brown and the remote viewers of the Phoenix Lights event.You may find it interesting:I also recommend this interview and article I wrote about the NAZCA aliens…Background info:My interview with Brett Stuart about his remote viewing of the Nazca aliens:And, if you haven’t already seen my interviews with Ashayana Deane, or read her Voyager books I highly recommend them:INTERVIEW IN 3 PARTS: 2 books downloaded from the Guardian Alliance:I am on my way to speak at a conference in Barcelona, then to Rome for 3 days to film revealing the Reptilian/Draco influence there and then to Greece for some R&R and to Delphi. Then back to the UK for my own Awake & Aware Conference and then back to the states on July 11th.If you have any suggestions on where we should go in Rome for filming let me know. I read your chapter about your visit to Rome and I have been there and saw this first hand many years ago.Best wishes,Kerry*****On Jun 22, 2018, at 4:51 AM, Eddie Page wrote:Thank you Kerry for sharing that, I am sure it is higher, the data we placed in the book came from the FBI and we were in some way doubtful as the percentage wise, but we went with it anyway, because the combinations of the Center for Missing and Exploited Children would not give us the exact data? Yes you are correct, but then where did these children go to is what we asked? Some of those FBI stat’s also state that some of these children were either children run away’s or had return and never placed in a case file of found. So this was placed as the facts as it was being told to the public. Hope your having fun and don’t worry about any strikes…I think I got a message across yesterday…Stay safe and eyes and ears open…Eddie
From: Kerry Cassidy <>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 3:35:04 AM
To: Eddie Page
Cc: Margaret Hahn
Subject: Missing children per yearEddie,
I am reading your chapter 38 and wanted to let you know your statistic on missing people is wrong…. According to this site missing children alone is way more….Best wishes,Kerry*****On Jun 22, 2018, at 9:24 AM, Eddie Page wrote:I wonder what these people are going say when the dragon stands up? I thought you might find this interesting. I say this is going to take place and the world will watch this openly and fearful. This is the great wake up call…Abiel
From: Margaret Hahn
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 10:12:52 AM
To: Eddie Page
Subject:On Jun 22, 2018, at 5:08 PM, Eddie Page wrote:I have some news that you might be interested in. Tom DeLong and crew are meeting me soon along with the History Channel and the Tom’s crew to have some jewelry tested, then we will travel to the crash site, the real and true crash site in Roswell. Might wish to be a part of History in the making. This is going to blow the lid off what we have been saying for years. Let me know if this is what you want? I have been as true to this since day one. When we go to the crash site, I suggest you wear hiking boots and jeans, It is a hard climb to the top and the site. I don’t know when but very soon. Have your nerves and camera ready. I said the first one would take place, and I am saying this will happen again, this time in broad open daylight. You sister have been chosen for history to be made. The world is about to hear from all of us. I shall be very proud to have you stand next to me to tell the world of Thors return…Let me know if this fits into your schedule…Much love and knowledge come your way from here on in…Eddie*****On Jun 22, 2018, at 10:00 PM, Eddie Page wrote:This is not good, I am suppose to talk to this man who is named Luis Ellzondo. I am very Leary here as I have been told this man is not the very best from the NSA? They wish to come and get me and the jewelry and head to Austin Texas and have it tested at a lab and they are paying for it. Plus to visit the true retrieval site of the saucer. We are to caravan there. I am told that the History Channel people are going to film it since this is an historic event. I will be talking to this Luis come Monday. I think this is something that we might need to wait for until you get back to the states. I would like to show it to you first so there cannot be any doubts from outside sources. Who is wishing to talk to me, and who is trying to sabotage Toms path? And who is this Pandolf? I have never heard of this person. Shanks for letting me know on this. The dragon is acting somewhat strange this week, seismic activity almost has vanished, but that isn’t odd, but it is like the pressure is rerouting and building… Be safe and watchful…Hear from you when you get back…Eddie
From: Kerry Cassidy <>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 9:52:12 PM
To: Eddie Page
Subject: Re: another Phoenix event.Hi Eddie,OK happy to join you there! But I need to fill you in on some things to do with this… And a person who wants to talk to you about sabotage of DeLonge’s group and disclosure by Pandolfi…Guess what? Our flight to Rome was cancelled by Ryanair. I think the dragons don’t want me to go there… So I am rerouting my trip… Not sure yet where. Thoughts?Many blessings,Kerry*****