I talk with David Curtis, author of 9 books about his own spiritual journey. His books cover various aspects of his journey including time spent with Krishnamurti, analyzing the work of Jung and much more…
“I have recently self-published my own accounts of UFO contacts in the context of Jungian mythology: The Luminary is Coming: A Vision of Rebirth – Jung Avatar: Biographical Myth – One Mind: nonduality notebook, 2015 – Amazon Books. I consider myself a ‘public intellectual’ – SUNY: Stony Brook, comparative religion/philosophy, 1960’s, and this is the first time I am divulging my work after 50 years of in-depth research.”– David Curtis
David Curtis : Biography
1945-1960: childhood, Oxford
1961-1964: high school, New York State
1964-1968: SUNY: Stony Brook, Long Island, NYC: Philosophy, Comparative Religion
1968: Attend SUNY: New Paltz, near Woodstock: Fine Art
1969: Banbury Art School, Oxon
1970: Lived next door to Lama Anagarika Govinda, Almora, India – study group
Visited ashrams and temples in Himalayas
1971: Entered silent order of Anglican monks, Crawley Down, Sussex: studied Christian mystics
1971: Attended Krishnamurti conference, Brockwood Park, Hampshire, and each year until his
death in 1986: conversations with Prof. David Bohm, and ‘shared’ experiences of a spiritual
kind with Krishnamurti
1976: Member of Religious Experience Unit, Manchester College, University of Oxford: attending
seminars on mystical experience
Join Society for Psychical Research
1989: Resident in Institute for Psychophysical Research, Oxford: Celia Green, author of seminal
‘Lucid Dreams’ – parapsychological studies
2007: Cited in Prof. R. Main’s Revelations of Chance, SUNY Press, Albany: unpublished
manuscript, The Synchronistic Continuum.