Tony Gosling and Robert Stanley – 2 new interviews on Youtube

On Thursday, I interviewed former BBC journalist and investigator, Tony Gosling (  We talk about global politics, Brexit, Russia and Turkey as well as many current events and the state of global finance.

Short bio form RT news:

…”Beginning his working life in the aviation industry and trained by the BBC, Tony Gosling is a British land rights activist, historian & investigative radio journalist.

Over the last 20 years he has been exposing the secret power of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and élite Bilderberg Conferences where the dark forces of corporations, media, banks and royalty conspire to accumulate wealth and power through extortion and war.

Tony has spent much of his life too advocating solutions which heal the wealth divide, such as free housing for all and a press which reflects the concerns of ordinary people rather than attempting to lead opinion, sensationalise or dumb-down.”

Tony tweets at @TonyGosling. Tune in to his Friday politics show at BCfm.






On Wednesday night I interviewed Robert Stanley, radio show host for Unicus Radio and editor of Unicus Magazine about Artificial Intelligence and the Alien Agenda.

We will be referring to Wes Penre’s recent book on this subject.

Go here for more info about Robert:

Short bio form his site:

Robert M. Stanley has traveled to nearly 60 countries during his life-long pursuit of modern and ancient mysteries. Over the past 30 years, Robert’s quest for unique ideas and information has led him to research and write about many controversial topics. His ongoing investigations have been featured on television, radio, print and the Internet.

Born in 1959, Robert is a native of Los Angeles, California. He grew up in Malibu and in 2008 moved to southern New England with his wife, son and dog. In 2015 he relocated his family to Asia. He enjoys surfing, hiking, motorcycles, tennis, photography and composing music.

Formerly a corporate journalist for HONDA Research & Development in Torrance, California, Robert is currently employed as a corporate editor for an international company based in Hong Kong.
He is the author of Close Encounters on Capitol Hill and Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C.

He is the web master of UNICUS
He is the host of The UNICUS Radio Hour
and he is the producer of The UNICUS Radio Network
He has served as a correspondent for America’s Morning News
and America’s Radio News Network




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