Our financial investigator/ columnist, Unwanted Publicity Guy is homeless and needs your help. He was living in his car and needs $500 to save it from being repossessed or face probable starvation and maybe even death.
Please contact Paul as directed below if you are able to help:
Whistleblower Needs Your Help –
The Unwanted Publicity Intelligence Guy ( Paul Collin ) is in very desperate financial straits … He need your help. All his private intelligence websites were taken down after government threats.
The Unwanted Publicity Intelligence Guy was performing global financial intelligence investigations overseas involving legacy global bank asset high-value gold and platinum deposit certificates counterfeited’ then promoted as ‘real’ by international fraudsters working for government intelligence to extract information from Non-Governmental Organizations ( NGO ) shipping humanitarian supplies to poor people.
Although now an aging cripple, Mr. Collin remains a unique operations researcher having collected tons of intelligence on a variety of subjects over several decades now.
In 2014, his most recent intelligence collection was completed from closely guarded files deposited in the Howard Hughes vault moved to a remote desert paradise location in the Nevada near Area 51 where his four ( 4 ) visits ( between 2013 and 2014 ) generated and cataloged computer high-resolution color scanned file copies of material (photographs, official documents, communications, private high-level transactions involving notable people, plus much-much more ) most of which he is now in the process of trying to release exclusivelythrough Project Camelot.
For the past 9-years now, he has been homeless and has been living in his van home-office … and is now in dire straits!
In a perfectly normal world, he needs a base of operations to work out-of. Currently, he needs immediate financial contributions.
Please help.
How To Help –
If you can even help a little to get him back on his feet please do-soby donating directly to him … You can contact him, at:UnwantedPublicity@Gmail.Com – Be sure to type “HELP OFFER” in your e-mail Subject line.
Thank you!