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I found the following questions very provocative:

What deep space project could possibly be so important requiring billions during a global econ0mic crisis?

Why deep space project requires so much secrecy too surrounding what exactly observatory telescope mirrors are all working on?

Why are two ( 2 ) observatories, located right next to each other ( on the same mountain top ), looking into deep space?

Why the Vatican? Why use multiple millions of dollars taken from parishoner money donations to feed the poor and homeless around the world and instead fund a deep space observatory telescope looking into thin air at something we on Earth are helpless to do anything about while people are starving to death around the world? Sound cruel?

Why the U.S. government? Why use multiple millions of American citizen taxpayer monies to do the same thing the Vatican is doing when people are living in unsanitary conditions, lack medical supplies and dying from disease around the world, but who is feeding whom?

For what or whose end purpose is this serving? The ‘people’s? God’s? Alien’s? Come on, get real. Things like this do not occur – unless there is an Earth shattering global reason for doing this so, what is the public ‘not being told about’ ?

Why are ‘both deep-space astronomical observatory telescopes’  shrouded in secrecy?

What do they call ‘taking billions in monies from investors without informing shareholders what their money is being used-for’ considered?

What are the facts?

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