As you will have seen, this new site is still UNDER DEVELOPMENT in several areas.  We are now looking to add team members for the new site in several areas:

1.  Quality Control/Proof-reading – expertise with Joomla and site project management with special ability in the Quality Control and proof-reading/testing area.  Must have excellent attention to detail.  

Basically we need someone who can go through the old sites and make sure nothing has been left off the new site.  And then make sure everything on the new site is tested and works including players, links and page layouts.  Note:  this job does not necessarily have to be someone with coding skill just the ability to make “to do” lists and make sure the other team members make the fixes.

If you have this ability and the time to devote please contact kerry@projectcamelot.tv

2. Sales & Management for Online Store – we need someone to find like-minded companies with green products and positive life style products including survival kits to sell through our online store.  We are hoping to generate a revenue stream from this that will help us pay our web team members and keep Camelot afloat!  Commission based.

3. Design for videos :  We need someone with superior Joomla design skills to create a Hulu.com layout for videos (see layout at http://hulu.com ) to make finding and searching of videos easier and more user friendly.

Please contact :  kerry@projectcamelot.tv

Please put WEB TEAM in all Caps in the subject line.

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