In May of 2011 I visited the UK. During my travels there I arranged to meet with Barry King and conduct a long awaited interview with him. Thanks to the kind generosity of John Agnew, landowner in the Suffolk area, we found ourselves in a lovely building with wonderful lighting. Barry King is the quintessential clandestine operative. His title, Security Enforcement Officer does little to reveal his true area of expertise. Selected as a young child he was, like many others monitored from afar and groomed then eventually employed by Peasmore an underground base in the UK. Due to his psi-tech abilities he was used in a variety of roles, many of which remain classified and are not revealed to this day.
At this time, getting on in age, it appears that one of his primary roles is yet to be played out. One of five with ‘special abilities’ who when brought together apparently will comprise a unique combination of individuals. The operation they will perform is unknown and very secret however, in listening to my recent discussion with him, there is a chance to gain something of a look into what that operation might consist of given Barry’s background.
While it is more than clear that Barry was being extremely careful due to previous run-ins with his ’employers’ for speaking out, if you watch his face and his body language and pay close attention to his word choice, the real truth behind his words can be found.
Note; I apologize for the sound quality, for some reason, the mics do not seem to either have been working or the echo of the large room seems to have interfered. We will endeavor to obtain a written transcript available as soon as possible. However, you cannot rely on his words alone simply because his facial expressions and body language often reveal much much more…and do at times, contradict what he seems to be saying.
Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
Release date: June 11, 2011