JOHN LEAR – Tells All, Flying Into the Sun


John Lear Tells All
Las Vegas, Nevada
April 2008

…now some of you may be asking why so many airlines collapsed that I worked for and why I got fired so many times. My excuse is simple. I am not the brightest crayon in the box, I am extremely lazy, I have a smart mouth and a real poor f**king attitude.
John Lear

Yes, he’s incorrigible and fun loving, with a great sense of humor that has served him well over these many years. Our 2006 interview with John Lear (see below) remains one of our favorites.

When we met again with him recently, with considerably more time at our disposal than we had two years ago, John piled his studio table high with books, diagrams and research papers and sat down to tell us “everything he knew”.

With special emphasis on the Bob Lazar saga – as only John can tell it – we cover the inconsistencies in the 911 theories and why as a world renowned pilot he is uniquely qualified to judge just what kind of planes, if any, hit the World Trade Center (answer, none: John explains why they were holograms); why the moon’s gravity may be as much as 64% that of the Earth’s, and could retain a very thin atmosphere; how Ben Rich, the former Director of the Lockheed Skunk Works, was a Mossad agent; the location of the “new Area 51”, called Sandia, deep within the Nevada desert; what really happened at Above Top Secret, an internet forum where he was attacked and which he has subsequently left… and much more.

There’s nothing here about 2012 or ‘Planet X’ – both of which John dismisses – but we think you will be entertained and fascinated by the reported detailed experiences and opinions of someone who deserves to be respected and admired for his courage, character, and maverick commitment to revealing what he believes is the truth.

Part 1

Audio Version:

Part 1 links: Transcript. Mp3 Download.

Part 2

Audio Version:

Part 2 links: Transcript. Mp3 Download.

Part 3

Audio Version:

Part 3 links: Transcript. Mp3 Download.

Part 4

Audio Version:

Part 4 links: Transcript. Mp3 Download.

Click here for the website of ‘Pilots for 911 Truth’.

Click here for Ron Schmidt’s Pegasus Research (‘The Living Moon’) website, which represents John Lear’s opinions, ideas and research.


Flying into the Sun with John Lear

A video interview with John Lear

Las Vegas, August 2006

Shot, edited and directed by Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan

John Lear is a well known, even legendary figure in the UFO community. We were privileged recently to interview him at his home in Las Vegas. We turned up early one morning and were ushered into his amazing study by his lovely wife. John launched into the interview with few preliminaries; to our surprise, he had mountaineering on his mind, and we soon learned that he’d been the youngest American to climb the Matterhorn, and shares with Bill Ryan – a fellow climber – a fascination with the history of Everest exploration.

We had no time to carefully prepare the lights or audio as John began to talk. Luckily, however, the lighting in his study was perfect; the Las Vegas morning sun streamed in through a side window framing the man and his world in high relief.

Enigmatic, outspoken and challenging, he is the quintessential man of the world. Framed by close-up photographs of Area 51, detailed un-airbrushed moonscapes showing artificial structures, NASA astronauts, advanced airplanes, and every other kind of aerospace memorabilia, he launched straight away into the untold story of the 4th astronaut, never acknowledged by NASA, who died in the tragic Apollo 1 fire along with Grissom, Chaffee and White back in January 1967.

In this cutting edge interview, John tells it like it is with no holds barred. He’s a man who can tell a great story, keeping you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Under his gruff exterior we found ourselves enjoying the company of a truly charming guy who’s seen it all and has never lost his joie de vivre under the weight of significant knowledge.

Flying into the Sun with John Lear Transcript with images. Download Mp3 file.

Further: John Lear on Camelot

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