Project Camelot interviews Sgt. Clifford Stone

ET Interpreter: An interview with Sgt. Clifford Stone
Roswell, New Mexico

We met Clifford Stone at the Roswell Museum in New Mexico where he was kind enough to grant us several hours of his time. What an extraoridnary man! This soft-spoken gentleman has an astounding tale to tell about his alien friend, Korona. How he went on crash recovery missions in Viet Nam of all places during the 60’s and how he helped an alien escape from military custody. He’s got a massive heart and a wide perspective that manages to take the whole world in its sights. He talks of the rights of the visitors to our planet in the face of captivity. He talks of their sense of sacrifice for the well being of humanity. He speaks of the need for us to care what happens to the ‘other guy’ and how real feeling for each other is what is going to make the difference as we move forward to join the galactic community.

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