A word about the Australian press.. they have to act like you are crazy before they can take you seriously…
I was interviewed by a new magazine on the Australian scene,…something on the order of VICE or DETAILS…
The title of the article reads:
“KERRY CASSIDY ON SUPERSOLDIERS, ALIEN VISITORS AND GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACIES…One of the internet’s most out-there conspiracy theorists…”
Yes the truth is out there…
An unfortunate photo and they got the name “Phil Schneider” wrong… I didn’t! The interview was short and conducted via cell phone. They literrally just printed the straight Q&A’s with no real comment.. just as well.
On another note I was also interviewed by some semi-mainstream radio show there that did a smear campaign on me and my whistleblowers.. got tons just wrong and also made a point of questioning my sanity. Triple J National Radio. They didn’t do their homework and it shows. Next time, try watching some of my interviews before attacking the messenger!
CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE IN SNEAKY MAGAZINE: http://www.sneakymag.com/life/kerry-cassidy-conspiracy-theorist/