Call me crazy but I for one am UNDERWHELMED BY THE TWITTER RELEASES… IT’S NOT LIKE WE DIDN’T KNOW THE DEEP STATE media were censoring us across the board. That means EVERY mainstream media outlet… We were banned and deleted 2 years ago… of course it involves collusion of the employees with their employers and outside influence from politicians and gov …WTF else would they have been doing. WHY IS THE FOCUS ON TWITTER inside collusion when the REAL SUPPRESSED INFO IS on the BIDEN LAPTOP?????? LET’S SEE THE BIDEN LAPTOP EXPOSED TO THE PUBLIC without censorship by the QWHITE HATS… THAT IS WHAT this should be about… not the media shillls and their stupid dialogs which are f—kg obvious.
Seriously, humans are so easily satisfied they miss the true nature of what is meaningful. THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP IS THE SUBJECT… media collusion and nefarious censorship is the SIDE SHOW.
We need to DEMAND MORE of those who come forward with their dribbled revelations! WTF is in the Hunter-Biden Laptop and why is it being side-lined while Musk pretends to be opening the floodgates… (not) of the media landscape that is already so exposed and laughed at by anyone with half a brain?
WHERE ARE THE MCAFEE RELEASES AS WELL? What I see is the Q White hats so afraid of shocking the monkey they are barely making a dent in the mass consciousness. A little or big SHOCK would go a long way to waking up the masses…Not this obvious dribbling on Twitter, quiet almost imperceptible takeover of CNN and the cloaked coded ‘comms’ and carefully orchestrated dance by Juan and SGAnon only listened to by a fraction of the overall world population.
What I see is that the Qwhite hats have fallen in love with their secret society and are still AFRAID OF EITHER THE OPPOSITION OR THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE… Afraid to put it all out there…WHY? What are they waiting for? Trump to be arrested…for what TAX EVASION?
TAXES ARE ILLEGAL and should be abolished anyway. So what if he gave cars, houses and luxury items to employees? Why should the government have ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT THAT?
At this point having Trump arrested would be so anti-climactic it will just be more STAGING… How may I ask can you ARREST THE PRESIDENT AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF OUR COUNTRY WHEN those doing the arresting would presumably be the FAKE BIDEN DEMON-CRATS anyway?
How long do they (The Q white hats) plan to conduct this duplicitous display of 2 governments for the AMERICAN PEOPLE when the REST OF THE WORLD KNOW DAMN WELL TRUMP’S IN CHARGE?
Maybe someone aught to tell the White Hats they ARE EXPOSED AND CAN STOP ACTING NOW!!!
I think the Q White Hats need to establish a panel of the real top influencers and start taking FEEDBACK ON THEIR F…CKING PLAN…at the moment they seem to be run by a bunch of OLD MEN REPORTING TO AN EVEN OLDER AI!!! MOVE THIS THING ALONG AND GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!
YOU want to change consciousness then start revealing the real truth NOW…YOU want to inspire humanity (which is really how you change consciousness then COME OUT and tell it like it REALLY IS!
By Kerry Cassidy December 7, 2022