article by Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot
February 7, 2022
What is not being talked about with regard to the overall objective and amassing of troops by the U.S. (under the guise of their NATO alignment) is the paranormal/ET angle. What I am getting is that this entire maneuver by US and Russia to create a “war game” and war scenario where Russia is seen as the “invader” is a ruse to cover the necessary actions these two super powers must take to deal with the ET race or races involved in both Ukraine and Crimea and handle the fall-out from their presence.
First, we know that Crimea contains 9 pyramids along the coast as well as a particular highway running between mountain ranges along the valley where anomalous occurrences happen often. Specifically where military vehicles and even groups of vehicles can be seen to simply disappear off the highway as if having driven into a portal into another dimension something like what is reported in the Bermuda Triangle.
Secondly, in Ukraine, I was told there is a mountain which is considered by the Illuminati to be where “the devil lives’. This mountain is considered a center of dark magic. Whereas I would tend to translate this into the likely case where this particular mountain is home of a group reptilians and possibly other races aligned with them. Which makes it a sort of ‘command and control’ center.
Both situations are what one might call “extraterrestrial” and are the real reason for the necessary amassing of troops. In essence we have evidence of a kind of invasionary force which is alien. And it is highly likely that the “government” of Ukraine has called on Russia (and the US) for help in dealing with this incursion. There may also be a relationship between the aliens involved in Crimea area and the mountain in Ukraine.
This is not the first time that setting up a “war” has been used as a cover operation for dealing with invading species that threaten our sovereignty over Earth territories or resources. According to one of my top witnesses, Captain Mark Richards, the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis as well as other historical incidents were not about what the public believed or were told they were about, at all. Instead we were dealing with ET or alien interventions through portals. That includes the fires in Northern California specifically centered around the Paradise mountain area. Where a group of incursions through portals have also occurred.
Setting up a war scenario in Ukraine and Crimea (including Belarus) is a joint enterprise by Russia and the U.S. who are the primary superpowers (aside from China) that possess the technology to deal with such incursions. There is often collateral damage in the form of loss of human life in such battles that will be conducted to deal with the invaders. The important distinction here is the growing need for the public to understand that we are often under threat and invaded by various ET/Undersea/Inner Earth races on a planet-wide basis. The fact that UFOs/ETs, other civilizations from other planets are constantly interacting with us both individually and with our military and is not revealed to the worlds peoples is a travesty necessitating a constant barrage of disinformation and lies in media.
Our governments and militaries are dealing with the reality of constant challenges from invading species and what is known as “disclosure” would certainly help obliviate the necessity of lies perpetrated around the world by media and coverup. The coverup takes an enormous amount of energy that could be better used to deal with the intruders rather than deceiving the general public.
This again is where the possible use of a ‘project blue beam’ or “hologrammed invasion” scenario would come in handy in demonstrating in a “controlled environment” an “alien invasion” in order to awaken the people to this reality. I have written about this and mentioned it for the past 2+years related to the Randy Cramer, supersoldier marine tasked with announcing this blue beam fake alien invasion would happen within 3 years. This announcement was made in September of 2019 at the Yelm UFO conference as being a decision the military had made to shock the public awake. We are fast approaching the 3 year mark when either they will make good on their word or something will have intervened to stop it from happening.
Of course the stand-off occurring in Ukraine and Crimea could be handled somewhat differently if the public were aware of the truth. Perhaps a better negotiation without the need for human bloodshed and the unnecessary death of young vaxxed soldiers could be avoided if this were known. However, in that case the dark side experiment with their recently vaxxed/ transhuman experimental victims would not be carried out with the same amount of dark intent. From the pov of the dark Luciferian magicians and their governmental blood lusting minions this would probably be considered a sad lost opportunity…
How Serious Are They Anout Disclosure? …”By the beginning of the second year of operations, the AAWSAP BAASS Data Warehouse contained tens of thousands of sighting and investigative reports on UAP events, including the National Institute for Discovery Science database, a Pilot Database amassed from hundreds of separate military and civilian pilots, the USAF Project Sign/Grudge/Blue Book Database, the Project Colares Database, the Canadian Release Database, the United Kingdom Release Database, and other databases.”—BOOK SKINWALKERS AT THE PENTAGON: An Insiders account…. Now with all those documented cases ask yourself why they have only released a sum total of. ONE. Tic-tac covered by The NY Times
Funded at least according to the public record by 22 million. And You still Wonder if ET is real???
And you still Wonder if we have contact?
If you had tens of thousands of documented sightings of bears wouldn’t you conclude they were real? Investigated over the last 40 years….tons of photos and military witnesses…, they are real and they influence policy and politics world wide… wake up and smell the new reality….
They also found the Russians have more cases than we do… and this has been a MILITARY concern since the 1930s… you think they might be doing something about it? It’s called the secret space program and we have been working with the Russians on this even before Kennedy said lets go to space with the Russians
You still think the Russians are our enemy? What about the ETs? Friends or enemies or both? As above so below.
You think the aliens are smart enough to go inter dimensional and they don’t communicate with us??? They abduct millions worldwide and you think there’s nothing to worry about?
They make deals with all our governments over disclosure and you still think you can trust them? How corrupt are our governments??? People are finding out… how corrupt are the ETs that make deals with them??
Grow up people…. If ET was your friend why aren’t they fighting on our side against the tyranny?? When humans genocide other humans the sit by and watch. Or are they involved… oh yeah and your God sits in the sky and protects you right?? And your god chooses good guys over bad guys right? That’s why the holocaust happened? And why the nazis Rise again before our very eyes under the guise of medical experiments…. Hmmm wasn’t that exactly what Hitler was doing human experiments? Sound Familiar? But in our time they line up like lemmings to be experimented on… hitler would be so proud….tell that to your friends and relatives taking the jab in he name of science!
And of course if You know nazi history you know the nazis had ET help…remember the Foofighters during WWII?
And you f you listen to even one camelot interview listen t William thomkins …. ET is here and working with governments and pitting them against each other….
It was true then and it’s true now… so when you listen to the news ask yourself why the ET interactions with our governments and our people aren’t part of the daily news….
Now read my latest article and tell me which ETs are influencing the “war” in Ukraine and crimea….no we are not alone—- and we have Never been alone….THE REAL PURPOSE BEHIND THE WAR GAMES & RUSSIAN INCURSION INTO UKRAINE & CRIMEA
By Kerry Cassidy, February 7, 2022