SHORT BIO: BEN R. DAVIS, JR. :…” It never dawned on me until the past 5 years, that my high intelligence is what the Army wanted from me… I am considered a borderline genius…
I became a 12B Combat Engineer, stationed at Fort Polk, La, until the day that I believe, is when I was abducted, taken up into a space craft, went to the future (2026) and was ‘shown’ events of my future… Including a daughter that I was to have and the mother of that daughter, who just happens to be 1sr cousin to John T Vasquez (deceased) author of Incident at Fort Benning. I wrote my book before John published his, but I never knew John prior to that day. The rest is now history, because I have never shut up about Alien abduction and the Incident at Fort Polk… and my family thought I was a nut case… until my daughter, Crystal Rose, was conceived… and she is now a Sergeant in the USAF and has birthed 2 grandkids to me…”