Whereas, I do not agree with all of the statements made in this video released by The White Hats working with the Chinese Elders, I do feel they are working toward an objective of having the best interests of humanity in mind. Claims of so-called “Royal Bloodlines” are problematic. Royal from whose perspective? Most so called Royal bloodlines on Earth are descended from Reptilian ancestors.
Definition of Royal:
Full Definition of royal
1a: of kingly ancestry <the royal family>b: of, relating to, or subject to the crown <the royal estates>c: being in the crown’s service <Royal Air Force>
2a: suitable for royalty:magnificentb: requiring no exertion :easy<there is no royal road to logic — Justus Buchler>
3a: of superior size, magnitude, or quality <a patronage of royal dimensions — J. H. Plumb> —often used as an intensive <a royal pain>b: established or chartered by the crown
4: of, relating to, or being a part (as a mast, sail, or yard) next above the topgallant