Update from
Daniel Smith
2nd February 2016
(Project Greenlife)
(Stand By Daniel)
Below is a letter from Daniel Smith. I hope you will read it and see all of the amazing things going on for him. Even in the midst of gloomy prison he is able to influence other’s lives for good. Daniel has even met people within those prison walls with MMS testimonies, and others who hunger to know more about the Master Mineral Solution.
For those of you who don’t know the story of Daniel, he is now appealing a 51 month illegal prison sentence, which is against the Constitution of the United States. During his trial, Daniel was not given a chance to present his side of his case in court. They railroaded him right through court and got a “guilty” verdict from the jury, without hearing Daniel’s defense.
I ask you to please read firsthand what Daniel has to say below, and then the few paragraphs that follow which are written by Daniel’s father. I can’t say enough for all Daniel has done. He has paid a high price to make MMS available, not only for the US, but his efforts have rippled out to all mankind.
Let’s all continue to stand by Daniel,
Archbishop Jim Humble
News from Daniel Smith
Feb. 2, 2016
Daniel (Smith) here, sending warmth and gratitude for all your support from Sheridan Federal Prison (USA). Thanks to Dad for keeping the family up to date. I’m sorry it’s taken so long to write. Alas, I have seen the cold concrete walls of at least 25 cells in 10 separate facilities, shackled and shuffled between four states in too many vans, buses and airplanes to count, all with fellow prisoners, many of whom harmed no one but found themselves equally at odds with government policies fueled by greed. I now languish hopeful in a 10 x15, 6-man cube with five other inmates, most of whom are “political” prisoners of war – the government’s “war on drugs” that is, primarily marijuana, while me, sodium chlorite (MMS). It would be a satire if it weren’t a tragedy.
One gentleman in my cube, age 65, ran a fully licensed medical marijuana dispensary in California and another, 64 yesterday, is serving his eighth year for growing his own plants in Oregon where it is now legal! Their stories don’t differ much from my own. In fact, many of the stories here sound about the same… underhanded trickery and extortion tactics by zealous prosecutors aided by complacent judges in an effort to warehouse more bodies as sureties for bonds sold on Wall Street to make the rich richer and keep the powerful in power. Its the greatest human trafficking scheme since 18th century American slavery. Many Americans have little clue what their penal system has descended into. I tell you this to explain that one does not come to this forsaken place filled with society’s almost-forgotten without first great expense to both the public and the human spirit. This is from whence I will now fight my appeal and, with your help, win.
As I write these words by a waning book light, I am listening in headphones to a song that Karis (my wife) recently dedicated to me. You’ve probably heard it… “Like a small boat on the ocean… sending big waves into motion… like how a single word… can make a heart open… I may only have one match, but I can make an explosion… This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove ’em all right song. My power’s turned on… starting right now I’ll be strong… I’ll play my fight song… and I don’t really care if nobody else believes, cuz I still got alotta fight left in me!” (“Fight Song” by: Rachel Platten). Thank you, Rachel Platten, for breathing life into the human spirit!
For those of the family who need an update… on May 27, 2015, after being denied an opportunity to present a case in defense, yours truly was found ostensibly “guilty” for Project GreenLife’s involvement in the worldwide distribution of MMS, which the FDA arbitrarily deemed a “misbranded drug” in order to subject it to the agency’s tyrannical regulatory scheme. Seemingly pleased with how the government’s one-sided show trial went, the judge immediately remanded me to U.S. Marshal custody.
At the sound of the gavel, I looked to the gallery to find Karis’ eyes and steadied my gaze as they cuffed my wrists and walked me away. In a back room I was stripped of my coat, tie, belt, shoe laces, and placed alone in a dimly lit cell where I immediately closed my eyes and reached out in front of me to trace Karis’ and the kids’ faces and replayed a scene from the previous evening when I watched Sabby make a heart with her little hands through the car window. If this would be my last memory of her for awhile, I wanted to hold onto it… make it last. I grieved that I would miss her school performance that night and that she would not even know why her Dad missed it until it was over. I wanted to tell her I was sorry.
For months I fought from a tiny cell for the right to take up my own defense again. This would not be granted until I made known that I possessed a recording of my court-appointed attorney admitting the judge had supplanted former standby counsel with the federal defenders office, despite a well-established conflict, in order to have an attorney of her own preference handle my case, which was described as being “a problem child” for my having put forth a vigorous defense.
On October 27, 2015, I was ceremoniously sentenced to 51 months in federal prison, 48 months of probation, and a $12,500 fine. The courtroom was packed… one side with family, friends and supporters, the other with government employees and two rows of law students who came to see the show. ABC News’ Cindi Galli and her film crew from New York also flew in for the proceedings in hopes to obtain an interview. Ms. Galli later stated to an interviewee that she had received hundreds of emails from supporters all over the world. Thank you!
I represented myself during sentencing … won some arguments, lost some arguments. You could have heard a pin drop during my cross-examination of the lead FDA agent as she struggled in silence not to admit that she in fact had no firsthand knowledge of any victims, financial or otherwise in regards to MMS. I had a fever and headache during the proceedings and the U.S. Marshals prohibited me from taking the Advil the nurse had given me before I left the jail. One by one, people came to the podium and spoke about their relationship with me, business, family and community. There were many tears and I remember feeling afterwards that I had never felt more loved on any other day in my life. Thank you!
One supporter, a film-maker, informed the court that the history of the case had been well documented and that there would be a documentary exposing all the shenanigans. Another supporter flew in from Ecuador to explain how his mother had been cured of breast cancer using MMS. At one point he turned to the lead FDA agent and prosecutor and asked how they could sleep at night and told them they should be ashamed of themselves.
A special petition for leniency in sentencing was presented bearing thousands of signatures obtained the week prior. The judge breezed through it and commented something to the effect: “I see several people claim that MMS cured their cancer, but we have no way of knowing if they weren’t just in remission.” I’ve since concluded there is no earthly cure for pathological disbelief. All in all, the consensus is that your prayers and support helped reduce the sentence that could have been as high as 37 years. Thank you!
Immediately following sentencing, I was transported back to county jail. One marshal commented that I sure had a lot of people who loved me. Another said, “I have to ask… what is MMS?” He said he was looking up “MMS” on his cell phone while people were giving testimony about it. Back at the jail, a friendly corrections officer and proponent of alternative health well versed in oxygen therapies asked me through my cell door if I would do it all over again knowing now what they would put me through. Before I could reply, she answered her own question with a smile. “Of course you would, because of all the lives that have been saved.” This reminded me that there are still good and honest people who work for the government.
On my very first night in this prison, I met an inmate who’d cured himself of prostrate cancer using MMS in 2011. He later went on, after PGL went out of business, he said, to purchase MMS by the case from another vendor in order to share it with friends and family. Standing next to him in the same line was an inmate whose wife was presently using MMS for skin cancer. A few days later I met someone who used to work with a group that administered MMS regularly with spectacular results. Having since had Jim Humble’s book (“Master Mineral of the Third Millennium”) sent into the prison for my personal library, its been perpetually checked out by a growing list of inmates.
There are really no words to express my gratitude for having been given these experiences my first day here, because they remind me that none of this has ever been in vain. MMS continues to change lives everywhere. What the FDA meant for ill-will and vindictive purposes has merely served to further expose corporate greed and government malfeasance, while educating the masses that there are viable, inexpensive alternatives to the costly poisons of big pharma.
Yesterday, an inmate asked me the one question that every inmate is eventually asked: “So, did you do it?” “Did I do what,” I asked? “Whatever they said you did, did you actually do it?” This gave me the opportunity to reflect. After all, I have to believe this journey has, in part, been for the purpose of self discovery. To answer the question, did Daniel Smith sell a misbranded drug with the intent to defraud or mislead the FDA (or anyone else) as the government boldly alleged? Not even in the slightest. Did PGL fraudulently import a misbranded drug into the United States? Certainly not, and the government always knew as much. Did anyone conspire to break any law or to obstruct the FDA? Not even.
These questions seem even more absurd to me today than they did when I first read the indictment. But when all of the incredible power of the government is marshaled against you, one eventually has to ask, “What did I step in? Am I really that person they are saying I am?” I’ll never forget the words of a dear friend who captured in a single question the essence of the ego’s greatest fear… “What if everyone finds out I’m a fraud?” I have since learned that it is not until we face that question within ourselves, and come out on the other side, that we could ever know who we really are… and who we aren’t.
As I come to this portion of the letter, I am listening in headphones to the song “Through All of It”, by Colton Dixon, a song that has become my private anthem in this season of my life. If while reading this you have access to the Internet, you might find it on YouTube, or somewhere, and it can better provide the poignant context with which I share these lyrics…
“There are days of taking more than I can give, and there are choices that I’ve made that I wouldn’t make again. I’ve had my share of laughter, of tears and troubled times. This has been the story of my life. I have won, and I have lost. I got it right sometimes, but sometimes I did not. Life’s been a journey. I’ve seen joy. I’ve seen regret. Oh and you have been my God through all of it.” (“Through All of It” by: Colton Dixon).
When I lay down to sleep at night, I put this song on in my headphones and daydream of being home again with my family, dancing with my wife within the periphery of my children who may one day tell their families how they remember seeing mom and dad dance and being glad to have grown up in a loving home. I daydream of them telling our grandchildren that grandpa always said, “There’s nothing like a home filled with laughter, love and music.”
I pray that I’ve handed down something important by my example… that having the courage to stand up for what you believe, right or wrong, even against the worst odds, is totally worth it, and that having courage does not mean that you won’t be afraid. Whoever I was when I first started this journey has been transmuted by all the love and support of those who have believed in me, even when I have struggled to believe in myself. If God is love, then truly, your love has been God to me, through all of it. And for this, I thank you.
So, where are we today? We have a ways to go and, as always, I have no idea how we’ll get there without a miracle. Thankfully, love specializes in miracles and there has never been a shortage. Miracles are the only things that have carried us this far. I am told by consulting counsel that we have as good a chance of success on our appeal as could be imagined. That is because, for as far as the American criminal justice system has slid down the slippery slope, there is still the 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees (when justice works) a fair trial, implying the right to effective assistance of counsel, the right to present a defense, the right to call witnesses, the right to confront your accuser, the right to testify in one’s own behalf, the right to conflict free counsel, the right to due process, etc, etc; all rights clearly violated in our case.
There are other positive things happening that I am not at liberty to make public until certain things are concluded, but they could be important and historical in nature “sending big waves into motion.” The time is ripe for reform and this case gives us standing. Our goal is not only a complete reversal, but declaratory relief that the FDA may not abuse process to interfere with the lawful sale of sodium chlorite (MMS) ever again. This world has grown tired of health tyranny and its days are numbered. This is our fight song!
In Deep Love and Appreciation
Dear Daniel supporters
Important Message From Daniel’s Father, Larry Smith
In greater Spokane ~ Daniel’s wife, Karis and his daughter, Sabby are really struggling to survive. (All the other children are now grown and out of the home).
Why? Consider… Daniel was the bread winner for his family. Since he is incarcerated and forbidden by Federal Law to work while locked up he is unable to do anything for his family’s needs. So, his family has been struggling with transportation, rent and basic needs. Can you or I help them with these unmet needs?
Do you have a reliable car that mostly just occupies space in your driveway? Seldom needed and mostly it is harvesting moss and rust? Hmmmm! Can you help them get their car repaired?
Perhaps you have an apartment or a house which could become a low-priced abode thanks to your graciousness?
Someone else may not be able to help with a vehicle or living quarters. Instead maybe gifting money would be their preference. This is such an urgent need as well.
Thinking outside the box: Do you or someone you know have need of transcription services? Karis has started an audio transcription business (http://scribeworkstranscription.com) and would love clients or referrals. Do you need a superb employee? Do you know an office who could employ Karis? Could you break the ice and introduce her?` After-all Karis is multi-talented, but the fact that she spent so many years caring for the family at home has left her without any recent employment history, and her conviction has made it more difficult to find work.
Daniel Needs to Keep His Legal Assistant on the Payroll.
For months his legal assistant has diligently been plowing forward in her behind-the-scene’s efforts. She is needed even more now as she is working on the crucial, meticulously-detailed 9th Circuit Federal Appellate Court Appeal. Her wages and costs, must continue to be met as we thank her for giving it her earnest best.
Moving Forward
Daniel has helped thousands of us throughout the world. He has stood his ground, refused to give in to the terrifying Federal agents and today is in prison undeservedly because he cared more for each one of us. My conscience thunders he has earned my huge respect and I’ll sacrifice for him now and supply as much help as possible.
I will help any of you who want suggestions on how to help, and/or who can provide a car, housing, a job, money gifts, etc. If your wish is to contribute to his Legal Assistant’s wages…once, twice, or more times and/or contribute for Karis’ needs here are simple steps:
Contact Help To Get Information, Help Karis & Sabby, Give Financial Help for the Legal Assistant and peripheral Needs, Send Daniel an Email or Write To Him by Snail Mail:
Contact me – Larry Smith at BlessUFriend@gmail.com to assist in Karis & Sabby’s needs, the legal assistant’s wages, for questions, information and with any problems. I am very prompt and your wait won’t be long.
Another alternative is to go to www.StandByDaniel.com where you’ll discover videos, interviews, anecdotes, history of this travesty and a PayPal donation site.
PayPal also will accept donations by typing in SmithFamilyDonation@gmail.com in the “Send Money” link in PayPal.
The snail-mail address for Daniel is:
Louis Daniel Smith ~ 74882-065 ~ Federal Prison Camp, Unit #5, PO Box 6000, Sheridan, OR 97378-6000.
Thank you for Your Loving Generosity, Prayers and for Caring So Much,
Larry Smith
Daniel’s Father
All the Daniel donation options (to avoid this newsletter appearing as spam) posted at Genesis II Forum
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Have you or anyone you know had good results with MMS?
Please share a testimony at our MMS Testimonials site:
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Where to find MMS Testimonials:
• MMS Video Testimonials – Video.MMSTESTIMONIALS.IS
• Written MMS Testimonials – MMSTESTIMONIALS.IS
• Written MMS Testimonials – G2CFORUM.ORG
• MMS Video Testimonials on YouTube
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Red Cross MMS Malaria cure cover-up scandal:
Learn more or -|- Sign petition -|-
Please sign: ‘International Red Cross: Treat the victims of Malaria who are dying throughout the world’ MMS vs. Malaria Petition.
CD Autism recovery statistics:
The book: ‘Healing The Symptoms Known as Autism‘.
A total of205 childrenhave been recovered(ATEC score of 10 or below,) using the CD Autism parasite protocol published in Kerri Rivera´s new book Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism available here. CD stands for Chlorine Dioxide, which is an inexpensive, broad spectrum, gentle, anti-pathogenic.
Undeniable proof that the Red Cross cured 154 Malaria cases with MMS, in their water purification study in Uganda, 2012:This video got leaked andreleased 1st of July 2013 and makes it impossible for the Red Cross to keep claiming that the study never took place, as was their response to the 2nd of may video.
Red Cross cures 154 Malaria cases in Uganda with MMS:
This video was released 2nd of May 2013.
Autism Moms with MMS miracle stories (videos):
Basic Science of MMS:
Read more (MMS wiki)
List of MMS suppliers:
MMS Truthful Wiki:
Jim Humble Books:
Jim Humble Interviews – Videos and Audio:
NEW Sacramental MMS Protocol Videos EN (2015):
Sacramental MMS Protocol Videos ES (2013):
“7 Gates to Seynimin” – Genesis II Church out in the field:
Genesis II Church Health Restoration Center in Colombia:
Read more