FORUM THREAD: What happened to Kerry the night of April 24-25, 2015

KERRYPhoto on 7 26 15 at 12.42 PM

KERRYPhoto on 7 26 15 at 12.42 PM


Hi Everyone at Avalon and Project Camelot Forums,

I just saw the email from Bill and I also just saw the clip of my video/audio interview with John B. Wells. Frankly I had no idea how bad I looked!!

I wrote the following to Bill today and want to thank everyone for their kind concern. I am a very private person and prefer not to have this visual of my face ‘out there’ looking like this as I am healing rapidly everyday thanks mainly to accupuncture and a wonderful healer(s) along the way and I must say the amazing resiliency of my own body!

email to Bill:


Thanks for being interested in this… I would ask you to remove the video of me from your forum. I had not seen this video until now and had no idea how bad it really looks. My face is healing every day and I am very concerned that this would be out there looking this way! Leave the audio of course!

I am asking John B. Wells to do the same.

I will also comment further on your forum. It is not bells palsy….

Thanks very much,



I do understand some my see this as “bells palsy” it certainly “Looks” that way! However I have been diagnosed by 4 or more excellent psychics as well as some doctors who indicated to me that although the “symptoms” resemble what is know as bells palsy (that is the result often I believe from a stroke) it was not actually that. It is also not a stroke (again according to the psychics and doctors)… All the psychics agree (without knowing each other) that it was an attack psy-tronic of what might be either a scaler weapon or other device aimed at the side of my head for what appeared to be an alternating time during approximately 3 days prior to the night when I went to sleep and woke up with this state of affairs!

Basically what happened it this: On Monday of that week (April 20th) I did a rather lightweight version of a kick boxing routine I do sporadically). On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, on and off during the night I felt a very strong scaler attack aimed mainly at the right side of my head very specifically targeting the area behind my right ear. I felt it physicially as a dull but strong pain. I shrugged it off and simply went to sleep each night figuring “they” would lose interest at some point and “leave me the **** alone” as I would put it… I did also think perhaps I had pulled some strange muscle behind the ear while kickboxing but it didn’t seem too likely since the pain came and went only at night and disappeared during the day…

I am used to periodic scaler attacks and I had been pushing the envelope the weeks before specifically and notably with my live interview with Simon Parkes and a few others which I was aware had angered certain sectors of the “dark side” including portions of the ‘secret space program’ and some dark magicians. It was intermittent those nights and did not happen during the day for the most part as I recall.

However, on Friday we (my partner/boyfriend, Neil) and I drove up to Palo Alto where we stayed the night (and met with a potential whistle blower) and then planned to continue on the San Francisco and then Vacaville to interview Captain Mark Richards).

We had a lovely day on Friday since we arrived early in Palo Alto and had a chance to visit Stanford University where my mother went to school and even visited the chapel where my parents were married. I had been to Stanford in the past but never went to the exact place where my parents (who have both died) were married.

That night we had dinner with a potential whistleblower who does not consider himself such and is not coming forward… And then went back to our hotel room and went to sleep.

I woke up with absolutely NO RECALL of what went on during the night with my face in this bizarre state! I hoped it would “go away” since I never experienced anything like it and we drove to San Francisco where we walked for probably 4 or more hours all around the city and went to dinner. I had nothing wrong with my health in any way except for the strange and highly distressing state of my face!!!

Because Neil is English I always delight in showing him the San Francisco sights and this opportuntity (presented because of needing to be at Vacaville Prison the following morning at the ungodly hour of something like 7 or 8 AM (I am a night person). So we had to be as close to Vacaville as possible without being near that city which has a terrible aura etc.

It wasn’t until driving there the next morning when I realized this bizarre situation with my face wasn’t changing and I became extremely distraught emotionally and realized also I couldn’t speak clearly as a result of the numbness on the right side of my face. I realized this was going to distract me from being able to concentrate when I interview Mark when I must be at my top operating ability due to the enormous amount of memorizing necessary to remember his answers to my nonstop questions… Yes, we (his wife Jo Ann and I) are allowed a small pencil and she writes as many notes as possible but it is in no way sufficient to cover the detailed answers we receive). So I called Jo Ann and told her the situation. At the time, Neil, whose father had a stroke not long ago and had the bells palsy reaction thought I must have had a stroke.. so that is what we told Jo Ann.

However, knowing the previous nights of attacks I was receiving I knew better… and I got a download telling me to go to Lake Tahoe (which happens to be along the same highway about 1 or 2 hours away) and get into the natural VORTEX there to assist me in healing myself.

So we drove from there… immediately to Lake Tahoe. We checked into the hotel and went hiking 🙂 Again my physical health was fine… although I was emotionally quite freaked out I concentrated on meditating with the lake and working on healing my face.

The next morning I found a chiropractor in town and went to him for diagnosis and treatment. He ascertained that I did not have a stroke but I certainly appeared to have what looked and behaved like bells palsy.

He gave me a great treatment and recommended I get more encouraging me to stay in town for the week. I elected to leave and drive the 7 or 8 hours back to my home near Los Angeles, due to the cost of hotels, to save the money. I figured I would find a chiropractor nearby me and continue treatment.

Long story short I went to another chiropractor, a famous Chi Gong healer, Richard Bartlett a chiropractor, a few healer/friends working long distance and Naturopath and eventually began acupuncture in London then back in the states. It has now been 3 months to the day, April 25th, since the night of the attack and morning when I woke up with my face in this sad state.

I am almost completely healed now and with a few more treatments (acupuncture) will be able go on video and plan 3 interviews this week 🙂 where I will show my fact but not stay on video unless I am totally healed. I can at least now speak clearly once again…

Thank you for your interest and concern. Mark Richards was informed by his wife of what happened and has written to me. He believes I was targeted in part because of my planned Camelot TV project and because he and his wife had been working on episodes for her show for my network. He also affirmed it being a scaler attack. He is a highly skilled psychic in addition to his other talents.

One other highly skilled psychic viewed the attack and saw that it came from an underground base in the Berkeley area (Angela Donovan). I have interviewed Angela on my show in the past.


Regarding the night I was attacked. We went to sleep after midnight on Friday night and the actual happening or attack must have gone on during the early morning hours of Saturday April 25th. It is possible I was abducted (military MILAB) with the help of Grey ETs.. and struggled against it and sustained this injury to my head as a result as well. I do not know. I do know that I was in the city where I was born, and that I was a MILAB abductee, and born in Moffat Field where there is a deep underground base (see my interview with Norm Bergrun for more info on this). It can be no coincidence that I experienced something that planned to not just disable me but kill me. I firmly believe this much. I also know that another top alternative journalist, Rense, during the same 12 hours that night was attacked with a scaler attack that caused him to run off a road he drives everyday with life threatening injuries. And as I have written that same night Stew Webb was threatened by being ‘run off the road’ and that week both he and Jim Fetzer were fired from Veterans Today after reporting about Jade Helm. I had also been writing several articles about Jade Helm just prior to my attack.


I believe I contributed to this attack by being overworked and stressed (due to trying to put together this tv network, at the time)… I will not make this mistake again. I also acknowledge that nothing happens to us that we do not allow…. being here on Earth is a fully interactive experience and we participate in whatever may help us to gain understanding and further our own purpose for being as well as for the greater good. Nothing is an accident.

I am happy to answer questions!

Kind blessings to all,


Kerry Cassidy

note: picture from today





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