David Hawkins: Abel Danger II re Flt 370 now on Youtube (2)



This is the 2nd half of last week’s interview with the Abel Danger team.  David Hawkins was dropped off the call midstream so we elected to bring him back on his own this week.

Now AVAILABLE on Youtube:

Originally broadcast live on the Camelot livestream channel:




David’s bio:  http://www.abeldanger.net/2010/01/source-hawkscafe.html

see below for more links and background…




David Hawkins: Bio

David Hawkins, Forensic Economist at Hawks CAFE 
Vancouver, B.C., Canada Tel: 604 542-0891 
Send email to David Hawkins
Abel Danger White House Yahoo Group
Hawks CAFE Yahoo Group

Focus: Forensic Economics for Disaster Analysis and Virtual-Reality Prototyping

David Hawkins offers keynote speeches, workshops or consultancy on the projects below

Academic Record

  •  First Class Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge University
  • Diploma in Industrial Management, Cambridge University.
  • Foundation Scholarship, Queens’ College, Cambridge University, for outstanding academic performance in Applied Mathematics and Thermodynamics (Science of Waste and Chaos)

Current Projects: 

Hawks CAFE – David Hawkins launched the ‘Citizens Association of Forensic Economists’ in British Columbia in 2003 as an asset tracking network to monitor impact of government laws and programs on public debt, personal assets and individual rights. Hawks CAFE brings a scientific discipline to help local experts expose ‘off-book’ debt, combat crime and fraud and optimize the use of assets in water, energy, transport, shelter, defence, food, forestry and fisheries industries.

I-BAT – David developed Independent-Benchmark Asset Tracking as a simulation tool to help citizens and their elected representatives scope political corruption and visualize waste or fraud by all orders of government, including NATO, NORAD, the European Union, United Nations. I-BAT tracks the source and application of assets through blind trusts and off-book partnerships used — as in the case of Enron — to hide debt, evade taxes, enrich insiders and launder money.

EAZEway – David designed the Elevated Adaptable Zero-Emission trackway as a regional transportation, real-estate and communication network using a proprietary plug-and-play monorail with “cool” energy from renewable power and proven technologies and business models.

Deductive Computing Machine – invented, designed and built by David Hawkins for ‘virtual-reality’ prototyping to emulate domain experts by learning, understanding, effect propagation, conflict resolution and justification. The DCM generates virtual prototypes, matching data from the real-world and users can adapt a selected prototype to maximise probability of it being “true”. 

Work Experience:

In 2006, David Hawkins is a world authority on the use of applied mathematics, thermodynamics and deductive logic to analyze anisotropic (disordered) effects caused by natural disasters, accidents or violent crime and – in the latter case – identify weapons, opportunities and motives of perpetrators 

In late 2001 David launched the Lower Mainland EAZEway Council (LMEC) to ‘shadow bid’ for a regional mass transit monorail with a particular focus on transparent capital procurement.

In May 2001, David completed a feasibility study for the University of B.C.’s Neural Dynamics Research Group of the development of online toxin-data-tracking networks (TrackTox) and graphics-based expert systems for diagnosis of neurological disease. David showed how local communities could access neuroscience, toxin and environmental data, improve communications, raise researcher productivity and speed up times to diagnose and react to neurotoxins.

In 1998, David hosted an open-line radio talk show (CKST-AM1040 Vancouver) on British Columbia’s Crown corporations, including B.C. Hydro, Forest Renewal B.C., B.C. Transit and B.C. Ferries, and showed how crony privatization destroys the economics of the resource-dependent communities in British Columbia.

In 1997, David was interviewed on talk shows on issues of resource management and designed a job creation and business development program for the forest community coalition, SHARE B.C.

In 1997, David assembled a joint venture with the cities of Quesnel, 100 Mile House and SHARE B.C., to petition the B.C. Supreme Court to block asset stripping of Forest Renewal B.C.

In 1994/5, David prototyped “I-BAT” spreadsheets to help lay voters track waste or fraudulent conversion of public assets across regional communities and watersheds. I-BAT allows all orders of online government (e.g. e-MPs, e-MLAs) to benchmark and optimize flow of task-talent-time, financial, energy and material assets in real time. David also developed I-BAT “Gross Debt/Net Income” indicators to help politicians optimize community, business and household sustainability.

From 1992, David marketed geo-science and engineering data-management technologies to the petroleum exploration and production (E&P) industry.

To 1992, as Oilfield Systems’ Chairman and CEO, David played a key role in raising C$4 million in start-up equity and sale of preproduction software licenses to industry and government clients. Oilfield Systems built the industry’s leading E&P data-management software for geoscience and engineering data exchange, validation of interpretations and intuitive user interfaces.

In 1989, David Hawkins set up and managed partnerships to develop data networks for oil and gas exploration, development and production industries with Occidental Petroleum, Elf, Deminex, Bow Valley, Talisman Energy, Clyde Petroleum and the U.K. Department of Energy.

In 1984 David founded Oilfield Systems Limited (UK) and two years designed and built HESPER, as a working prototype for the world’s first ‘virtual-reality’ deductive computing machine. HESPER was runner-up for the British Computer Society’s 1988 gold medal award.

To 1982, David pioneered “real-world” computer reasoning as coordinator of artificial intelligence and geoscience for Schlumberger-Doll Research, Connecticut, USA. In “An Analysis of Expert Thinking” – published in the International Journal of Man-Machine Studies in 1983 – David became the first researcher to define the extent to which computers could emulate humans through learning, understanding, effect propagation, conflict resolution and justification.

To 1980, David worked in Europe, Australasia, Middle East, Africa and North America, with Schlumberger, the world’s leading oil-industry data management company. He served as executive-in-charge of major customer-support bases in Nigeria, UK Land and North Sea and the Republic of Ireland. Based in France, David was responsible for Schlumberger’s eastern hemisphere service quality and liaised with production engineering and design engineers in Paris and Houston. David introduced and troubleshot advanced mechanical engineering and data technologies used in the company’s worldwide business. An emergency-response team leader, David attended oil-well blow outs in the United Arab Emirates, Iran and Brunei.

To 1967, David worked for five years as a university apprentice with the British public power utility, the Central Electricity Generating Board where he was trained as a fitter, linesman, boiler-plant operator and machinist prior to the privatization of the utility.


David Hawkins writes poetry, fiction and is a sometime actor in community theatre.

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