We are pleased to announce the launch of the new Camelot site. Tommy and I along with a volunteer designer, Neil, have been working hard to make this a reality and we hope you like the result. Please be patient with the roll-out should unforeseen glitches or navigation issues occur. We are continuing to work on developing the backend portions including the Camelot Store which will offer Camelot DVDs along with books and DVDs from our interviewees. Any purchase of books or DVDs help support the hard work of whistleblowers, authors and researchers who in many cases are risking their lives to get the truth out!
We are still working on getting the radio show page for 2013 accessible with fewer clicks to make finding the radio shows easier.
Please take a few minutes to look over this new front page and pay attention to the subject headings in Red which designate the various areas. We hope you find this format easier to navigate. In addition, we are taking this opportunity to welcome on board two new Guest Bloggers: Paladin and Unwanted Publicity Guy! We are very excited to have them contribute their take on the current financial situation and state of the Planet from their unique perspectives. Both of them have substantial backgrounds in the financial sector and will be a great addition to the overall Camelot mission. More Guest Bloggers may be added in the coming days as well.
We are currently operating with very little money and it would be fabulous for donations to come in to support both Camelot and specifically our webmaster Tommy Hansen who continues to work very hard for very little. If you are happy with our new site look please consider donating either to Tommy directly (see link below) or to Project Camelot to make continued operations and investigations into what is going on possible.