Joe Matheny – Found? CORRECTION!

CORRECTION:  Despite assurances to the contrary the person mentioned below was mistaken.  Joe has not turned up in Joshua Tree.  

I received this info tonight at 9:30pm from a local Joshua Tree resident;.


What follows is the original message and now proved wrong:

I just got word that Joe Matheny walked into a pizza place in Joshua Tree… and that one of the local people spotted him and told him to call me right away about the conference.  He said he has never heard of me, Camelot or the conference…  

Note:  I have been told that the person who talked to him knows him and is a person who is very level headed and trustworthy so it is extremely unlikely that this is a case of mistaken identity.


Additional note:

Note:  this conference venue is now booked and we are going ahead as planned.

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