This is a groundbreaking audio interview conducted in the middle of the night after I received an urgent phone call from Anthony Sanchez, author of the book on Dulce and the Greys called UFO Highway. Project Camelot had been in touch with Anthony on and off for the past year regarding his current areas of research. We had offered to do a video interview with him but up to this point he had not arranged for this to happen.

Tonight, he called me and left an urgent message. I had just returned from a trip to India and was awakened in the middle of the night with jet lag. I found the message on my phone and immediately texted him back asking if it was too late to call him. He then phoned me back and we had the following ground breaking conversation about his encountering what according to doctors is a nerve agent very likely military grade causing the paralysis of his face. He apparently had contacted this nerve agent during recent investigations into the Dulce base on the Archuleta Mesa Jicarilla Apache Reservation in New Mexico.

After hearing just the briefest details of his story, I asked whether we could record the call for public release and he agreed. This recording is unedited except for a section per his request where a reference is made to a person who could be put in danger as a result of any mention of his involvement. Other than that, this is the entire content of our phone call.

I am in the process of finding healers who can work with Anthony to rid him of the affects of the nerve agent. Anyone with further information on these subjects or with healing or medical assistance who can help please go to Anthony’s website and fill in the contact form. He has stressed that the information sent via that contact form goes directly to him and that the sender’s info is kept private.

Due to the important cross-correlations with Project Camelot whistleblower testimony the information contained in this audio interview is given the higher priority in terms of importance.

NOTE: As mentioned on the audio, due to Anthony’s facial paralysis and the phone equipment he is using the sound quality is difficult to listen to… we apologize in advance and hope to be able to do a video interview in the near future.

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