UFOs Over London – Disclosure Exercise — faked footage?

June 26, 2011

UFOs Over London – Disclosure Exercise –faked footage?


From a viewer: “I’m told they were made by a computer graphics company called The Mill. Check them out at themill.com”

DOS attacks continuing against our Forum and Project Camelot TV sites

The gov psychos are hard at work messing with our sites again. They must have found out how successful the Elenin conference was in spite of their attacks and continues to be. Must be tough not being able to stop the truth from getting out to the people.

If you have trouble getting in to purchase the Elenin stream keep trying or send direct payment using Paypal send money:kerry@projectcamelotportal.com and then email zoe@projectcamelotportal.com and she will send you the pw and link. We are working to solve this problem once and for all…

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