Nassim Haramein to speak at Awake & Aware 2011

June 16, 2011

Nassim Haramein to speak at Awake & Aware 2011

We have just received confirmation from Nassim Haramein that he will be speaking at our Awake & Aware Conference in September. We are delighted to have him complete the team.

click here to go to Nassim’s website

Comet Elenin is definitely not Planet X or Nibiru – Forbidden Knowledge video

Although this is understood by me and our whistleblowers… please watch if you want to see how Google is hiding a portion of the sky. You have to ask yourself what else is out there…

click here to watch this short video with good info in this regard (note see correction above date June 19)

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell to join ELENIN video conf line-up!

We are proud to announce that Joseph Farrell, author of Giza Death Star and Camelot witness click here for our interview with him… His research compliments much of Hoagland’s and adds to filling in the big picture regarding the nazis, secret space program and what is really going on here on Planet Earth. Also, see his recent comments regarding NASA’s Bolden’s statements to the NASA employees…

click here to purchase tickets for this video conf at the early bird low price.

Date: June 24, 2011

Time: 11am PDT


DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACK on our sites — updated all sites now back up!! Thanks Tommy!

Currently our forum,, and our conference site are all down due to a DNS attack. We are working on this problem and they should be back up shortly.

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