Tor – Magical Camelot/Avalon image created by Tommy Hansen

June 10, 2011

Tor – Magical Camelot/Avalon image created by Tommy Hansen


Need Help! We need Joomla admins to convert the Productions & Portal sites into Joomla. Please email your CV and links of your work to or Put JOOMLA in the subject line

Do not respond unless you have the time and experience to make this happen.

Also, need designers to create look and feel for Project Light Warrior Portal for Enlightenment. Must use design elements from official logo below.



Bilderberg Meeting – Swiss issue letter asking for arrest of Henry Kissinger for War Crimes

click here for Alex Jones… broadcasting Bilderberg event

Clif High Web Bot Revisited

click here to see past predictions that may factor in to current events

Photo of the Sun and craft from a Camelot viewer

This is one of a series of photos sent to us by Christian Doucer showing the sun with a large craft or object nearby. (taken with a cell phone). Other people have taken similar pictures and sent them to us but I thought these were quite clear.

click here to see more…

sun craft_doucer

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